What was the last CD you bought

latest purchases from Fruits de Mer Records

from carnival Records, Malvern. latest Gong, continuing with the Gong story and nice 3 cd box set form Grapefruit records (Cherry Red) , loads of rare tracks with informative booklet


From a SQ perspective, the CD is pretty good, just a bit bass light, unless that’s normal for this guy. For me, the bass is pushed way back in the background and should be more prominent.

From the booklet: “Only previously released on 10 inch vinyl,’Opration Radication’ is an overlooked part of Winston Foster’s prolific career…”

Also has a different track order, with an omission and additions. Anyway, this is the version I needed. The music is good, but I have yet to listen to the lyrics properly.

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No thats definitely not right. I wonder if they mastered off a vinyl copy (needledrop)
Thanks for the feedback

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I’ve just ordered this from The Beatles website.

It seems some entrepreneurs are pre-selling this £100.00+. Well, when I say selling, advertising it for sale…


Good on you. I’ve cancelled my original order with Amazon and have placed an order at Badlands, which is selling the two sets for >£7 less. I suspect the Amazon order will still turn up and I’ll have to go through the hassle of the return process.

Beatles site is sold out now🫤

Unless there is some unusual condition relating to pre-orders, unless the item has been despatched, cancellation should be possible.

The CD set is still available at £43.99+delivery charge.

It’s slightly confusing, but the “sold out” refers to the LP set below. If you click on the CD box set, it should take you to the purchase page.

Good point. I was intentionally looking at the vinyl to be fair, but a CD copy of this would be quite acceptable :wink:

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Ooh, what delights are within :face_with_monocle:

Should be approximately 7-9 CDs here :cowboy_hat_face:


It’s <£42 at Badlands and Chalky’s, both including postage.

It’s being touted round the family by Mrs QS now as a potential Christmas/Birthday present…:crossed_fingers:t3:

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Looking forward to spinning these. :grin:


I ordered on Beatles site, by mail they told me it was delivered… :crossed_fingers:

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I’ve Got a Feeling it’s Something we can all Come Together on. Even though we’re Here, There and Everywhere we can Get Back to The Long and Winding Road of enjoying both albums. Don’t Let Me Down.


That was quick! Their advice is that it will be prepared for despatch on or shortly after release date, ie today…

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Arrived! :tada::tada:



A return to form after the disappointing (for me) Hope Six album.


Like many I have purchased the new remixed sets

I will play them tomorrow at a decent volume when I have the house to myself.