What was the last CD you bought

Jane Weaver. Another artiste I had never heard of until Spotify introduced her to me.

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Just arrived… Porcupine Tree: Closure/Continuation Live box set…


The Beatles - Anthology 1,2 & 3. Despite thoroughly enjoying the TV series when it first aired (and recorded on a wobbly VCR), somehow I’ve never got around to buying either the vinyl or CDs. Biblical levels of hopeless for a Beatles fan (hangs head in shame). Arrived today and will be ripped his evening.


Van the Man’s albums can be as patchy as his live performances. Into the Music is one of his best bettered IMHO only by Poetic Champions Compose.


Paolo Conte alla Scala: excellent performance and recording


that’s something to be proud of

46 years since I got my first Album off my brother (A Farewell to Kings 1977). I will receive the last 2 studio albums (Test for Echo & Counterparts) on Vinyl on the 25th and my studio album collection will be complete on both Vinyl & CD, plus a whole bunch of extra’s, live albums and Anniversary editions…:wink:


Frozen in amber, I haven’t bought anything after Roll The Bones. That’s where it ended for me.

Presto actually…

For me ‘Clockwork Angels’ was one of the greatest swan song albums of all time, but I am HUGELY biased…:wink:


The graphic novel is interesting too.

Both of the regular novels were excellent for me, but again, objectivity could be questioned🫣

Was thinking of getting this, so I would be really interested to know your thoughts on it !

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The live album is great! I haven’t watched the Blu-ray discs yet.


George Harrison - The Best of George Harrison. A CD collection gap filled. I do have the first UK vinyl pressing of this album but that has seen better days so it hardly ever gets played.


Second hand in a Christmas stall, 7€ each


Bob Mintzer + WDR Big Band Soundscapes

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Indeed. Excellent album and recording.

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A day trip into Greenwich and a dive into the basement of the Music and Video Exchange.
I saw this box set of Jeff Buckley The Grace EPs it purports to be a collection of EPs used to promote the Album. I thought it has to be worth a punt.


Well, the Amsterdam concert last year was rather good, so if the recording is too, it should be excellent ;-). Just ordered the blu ray and will have a listen/viewing to relive last year’s experience

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These just arrived. Long overdue purchases…