What was the last CD you bought

Ta, that will be my next 2nd hand ebay purchase :+1:

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This is July’s used haul.


‘Three Friends’. An early prog classic from the unique Gentle Giant! Looks like an early CD edition which is sometimes better than later remasters. Well done!


A really nice haul. I’ll have to dig out my copy of Sheik Yerbouti and give it a play.

I had a copy of Three Friends back in my vinyl days, which means I probably haven’t listened to it in 30 years or so! Looking forward to revisiting it.

I’m not always cognizant of the issue I’m purchasing when I’m buying several disks at once online…sometimes I prefer remasters, and other times not, so hopefully this early (1989, it seems?) issue sounds good!


Another one I used to own on vinyl, but haven’t heard in years. Not my very favourite of Frank’s…perhaps a touch heavy on the comedy, but some pretty nice guitar work, if I recall.

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I hope it lives up to expectations! I bought ‘The Missing Piece’ on vinyl when it first came out after hearing ‘Two Weeks in Spain’ and the BBC2 ‘Sight and Sound’ concert in 1977 but didn’t progress back into their classic prog era until much later on CD in 2000 or thereabouts. ‘Octopus’, ‘Freehand’ etc. followed.

From a fascinatingly restored 11th century house in Córdoba, some music more or less of that time & place:

The Garden of Al-Andalus: Arab-Andalusian music from Medieval Seville
Eduardo Paniagua and others





My message for you as I have seen you saw GENESIS who played in Saratoga Springs - Performing Arts Centre 31 July 1978. Lucky You who was there !

A couple more Dukes for the ever-expanding collection…


This 6CD box - have much of it on original vinyl but nice to have it all collated on CDs with bonus tracks.


A trio of Oscar Peterson Trios:



Pat Metheny Moon Dial

Relaxing or complex listening, depending on your mood


I’m really enjoying collecting CDs at the moment - great music can be picked up for next to nothing.

Here are the two latest:


Vinyl purchases on hold at the moment, so CD all the way.


Loved Copper Blue when I got it over 30 years ago. Eeeek!


Any particular reason, just out of interest?

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A few reasons, in no particular order: I’ve got too many already (although that’s never stopped me previously!), too many new pressings are either poor quality or too expensive or both, and my hunt for older vinyl has reached a sense of exhaustion (The Beatles and The Beach Boys are the two artists I have “collected” down the years, but I’ve given up now. There’s nothing else I really want of theirs).

I also help out in a vinyl shop on an occasional basis (in between acting jobs) and I’ve become immune to its charms, shall we say!

But any thoughts or inclination towards de-cluttering have been banished by buying a fair few stacks of CDs on a regular basis. We get crates of used CDs coming in store, and even us very part time staff get first refusal, which is partly great, partly a curse!!!

Oh, and I think CD generally sounds better, at least in my system.

I sold my LP12 awhile ago, and now use an old Roksan or my son’s Rega whenever I spin a record, which is a lot less often at the moment. CD and streaming have taken over for now.