What was the last CD you bought

Did you run a CD player and stream at the same time. How did it compare?

I bought a ND5XS2 to replace a CD5si and a Sonos Connect. To begin with I didn’t think there was much of a difference between the CD player and the streamer but now that the streamer has been plugged in for a month or so the sound is improving and I’m hearing detail in my CD rips that I’ve never noticed before. It isn’t a huge difference but that’s testament to just how good a CD player the CD5si is. However, give the ND5XS2 a well mastered hi res FLAC and it will really outshine the CD5si.

I bought a NAS and a ND5 XS a few years ago and loaded 1200 plus CD’s on the NAS for streaming along with TIDAL and internet radio. Today I have 2000 CD’s on the NAS and still stream a lot of music from Qobuz. I still buy CD’s on occasion and do want a hard copy and a solid collection in case the internet streaming capability goes away for any reason. I did have a CD player in the house a couple of years ago as a loaner while the NDX I just bought had to go back to replace a part. So having some physical media came in handy for the couple of weeks the streamer was away. Used CD prices can be tempting and I have two well stocked stores within walking distance of the house.

Abbado Tudor Kings tubular

Sorry everyone, I thought I had better post on topic, I noticed riots taking place on another thread as it converted to a discussion on baking bread in the lock down.

I have just started looking at Hi-fi after a long break listening to a CB system. I’ll search the archive and catch up on streaming as I don’t expect my query is very original.

Anyway, I listen 95% to classical and there seems like an unlimited amount of discs available at less than £5.

Mind you Music for Tudor Kings was full price but well worth it if you like this kind of thing. As you might guess its music for Henry VII and VIII but secular songs for court. Good music, well played and well recorded.

The Prokofiev is a stunning recording from 1977/1979 originally on two LP’s. I’d like to ask about views on why record companies don’t seem to have improved recording/production techniques since 1980 but its another thread again.

Tubular Bells is a recommendation for the 2009 remastered version. This is a great mix, actually better than the original and the opening 3 minutes are a quick way to check improved detail, separation, focus and bass if you want to look at an upgrade or tweak.


Bill the Great.


Just had a listen to this. So different in sound and general dynamic range compared to some of the remasters I’ve heard, which are generally just louder, but not better. They’ve also changed the mix of Sleeping Village and Warning, which surprised me and cut out bits in the newer versions.
I don’t know if you are aware of the site which I will link to below. Might be a good way of sourcing copies of material with better dynamic range. I’m going to post this as a new thread for other members as I was quite excited to find it, especially as it might take the guesswork out a bit when looking for new or 2nd hand copies. It certainly confirmed the DR rating you mentioned in the copy we now both have.


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Hello HorsesMcFaddon, sorry for the late reply.

I have all of Dougies albums and seen him live 4 times.

You can find “Till Tomorrow” album at linn Records, CD - 24/192

You can find more of Dougies albums for download at Qobuz.


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Ese & The Vooduu People - Up In Smoke

Finally got round to ordering this album from bandcamp


Just posted it too @Redkev

Thanks The Kevster looking forward to receiving it.

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The Necks boxset with Hanging Gardens, Drive By, Aether, The Boys, Chemist, Townsville, Silverwater and Mindset.


Nice. Drive By is my favourite Necks album but they are all good…


David Bowie - Who Can I Be Now (1974-1976) Box Set.
Just ordered from Amazon for the great price of £29.99,
Edit Twenty minutes after purchasing the price went back to £91.


Thanks Lontano, I’m looking forward to giving them a listen this weekend :+1:


Great album title if you remember your O-level maths/physics?
Reminds me of Rush’s album title ‘Grace under Pressure’ which featured the graphic ‘P/G’. Will give the album a digital ‘spin’ tomorrow, thanks for the recommendation.

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Bargain £17 for Brian Eno’s Music for Installations


Just been listening to this on Spotify and loved it so much I ordered it on CD from Discogs. Near mint CD for under a tenner. Swingin’



Spirit of Eden Talk Talk.



3 CD set from Amazon for £11