What was the last concert / gig you attended?

Thanks Bert. I did not know him either.
Quick Google revealed that he’s a music director of Yomiuri Nippon Symphony Orchestra. Was that the band who performed at the concert?

Jordi Savall + Hespèrion XXI + La Capella Reial De Catalunya— Monteverdi: *The Tears and the Fire of the Muses*


SCHEIDT: Paduan & Courant dolorosa, Cantus V–IX MONTEVERDI: Madrigal: Il Lamento d’Arianna, a 5 HOLBORNE: [Pavan:] Lacrimæ antiquæ[Galliard 2:] The teares of the Muses MONTEVERDI: Madrigal: Sestina: Lagrime d’amante al sepolcro dell’amata, a 5 DOWLAND: [Pavan:] Lachrimæ gementes The Earle of Essex Galiard MONTEVERDI: Madrigal concertato: Qui rise, o Tirsi, a 5 DOWLAND: Semper Dowland semper dolens DE GORZANIS: [Gallarda:] La Barcha d’amore MONTEVERDI: Ballo concertato con voci e istrumenti: Tirsi e Clori, a 5

Surprising appearance at the Orchestra Hall but the venue was completely packed. Audience demographics seem to be very broad from young liberal types from the older conservatives. This was my first Renaissance music live performance and they played straight through without a pause.
Hope to attend and explore this new genre in the future.


King King at the Concorde2 in Brighton last night.

Supported by These Wicked Rivers.

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Not quite to the topic, but Pat Metheny solo on Friday, cant wait, I’ll report back

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ABBA Voyage at the ABBA Arena, London on Sunday evening. As good as ever.

Not allowed to take pics of the performance but the audience alone was worth looking at and great fun. Just want to point out that is not me in the pic!!

FABBA tabulous night!


Lucky you! I have always wanted to see Jordi Savall perform…

Apologies @LSLFAN if you are in this shot of people leaving after the show. But yes it was a fab night. My first time and we had a lovely evening…


No, I’m not there! :rofl:

Glad you enjoyed it - the first time experience is the best, so much coming at you. It’s a visual feast.


omfg! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I think he’s going to be at Wigmore Hall either later this year…check out his tour schedule!

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I counted about 7 such women in the party, we got a photo with them. Lots of other people dressed up too and a real fun atmosphere.

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The Long Ryders, 40th anniversary The Fleece , Bristol


Gary Clarke junior at the o2 institute. The sound was just bloody awful. Such a shame as he put on a great show. That’s the third gig I have been to there and the sound is just awful.



Mozart Coronation Mass & Handel Aria/Duet



Water Music, Suite No. 2


  • Otton, qual portentoso - Voi che udite il mio lamento from Agrippina

  • Prophetic raptures swell my breast from Joseph

  • The Arrival of the Queen of Sheba from Solomon

  • To thee thou glorious son from Theodora

  • Let’s imitate her notes above from Alexander’s Feast


Mass in C Major (Coronation)

Interesting program and Nicholas Kraemer/CSO premiered a several Handel arias at the Orchestra Hall yesterday. The concert opened with a familiar Water Music Suite No.2 which sounded a bit heavy as I am used to.
But the highlight of the show for me was the Mozart’s C Major Mass which are not preformed regularly. Chorus and soloists however was too far back and their volume could have been louder.

I like the conductor Nicholas Kramer who kept a rhythmic beat but very expressive direction on all programs. Veteran soprano Amanda Fortsythe showed excellent control in intricate Handel Aria tho her voice sounded a bit childlike at lower keys. The countertenor Aryeh Nussbaum Cohen made a debut tonight at the CSO with an Aria from Handel’s Agrippina. I was impressed with his expressiveness and spot on timing and control through the range.


Tom Robinson Band at Islington Assembly Rooms.
Still great.


I saw Tom Robinson, supported by No Dice, in 1977. Where has all the time gone?


Les Miserables Arena tour yesterday.

Absolutely brilliant sound system, the sound quality was amazing.

I haven’t seen them before as I was 15 in 1977 and not able to go to gigs. So I really enjoyed it! Even better than playing Power in the Darkness top volume in my teenage bedroom!

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Presumably with Danny Kustow on guitar - one of the great unsung British guitarists.


I went to the Malvern Gig. I remember the whole audience singing “Glad to be Gay”.