What was the last concert / gig you attended?

Blue Rose Code Nottingham Lakeside Arts Centre. Excellent evening of man with guitar and accompanying guitar, bass and saxophone. A very talented and emotional songwriter and singer. The segue of Red Kites into Wild Atlantic Way was wonderful and quite transporting.

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Big Country last night, given only two of the original members were present it had a feeling of a tribute act for the first half of the show but things improved once they got going. A couple of members of The Icicle Works were the support, much more at ease and enjoying themselves.


And again, stripped back


@Mikee - From the same gig…? With Adam - or just Rick…?

Appears to be using just 2 Korg Nautilus keyboards. Only about £2,500 each. Which is not that much really.

Good Enough for Rick.

Just Rick

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He is doing a series of Xmas Concerts, with Adam… :slightly_smiling_face:

Slowdive. Newcastle NX.
One beautiful song after another. A great evening of ethereal shoegaze gorgeousness. Once the sound guy had dialled the sound in - the quality of the music was staggering. A really good choice of songs taken from all of their albums including early singles Catch The Breeze, Alison and Beach Song. Great gig. Been a while since I’ve enjoyed live music so much - not a duff track in the set list.

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Best gig in ages and a decent white russian to end the evening… uncle festor/stan laurel persona as per the 2023 dates, percussion driven tracks came alive and high lights of the set. A couple of supports… first was a chap who had stopped reading after page one of The Knifes manual on how to make an electronic track accompanied by a lady who screeches like lisa gerrard and ofra haza cant. The second act was a chap whose best effort was a song entitled ‘paparazzi’… think it was ironic as i doubt he will ever be bothered by them.

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Not a gig as such,but a pleasant hour at an exhibition of unseen Bowie photographs,taken at the period of the release of Black Tie White Noise.The Fitzrovia Chapel itself is also worth seeing.


Sat through this concert to demonstrate how we have become participants in village life .
Endured rather than enjoyed !


Attended SWANS concert yesterday. Never easy! But somehow an inner journey and physical experience worth the effort . (Did see them back 1997 as well).

Picture from wikipedia and not the actual concert.




So, how was it? Obviously worth the journey, from your comment.


It was like being part of and witness some kind of ritual at the same time. Michael Gira guidning theband and chanting, singing and speaking. Swans are loud, powerful but also meandering and slow at times. More about rythm, sound and repetition, rather than melodies. It was like an constant musical ebb and flow for almost two and a half hours.

Surprisingly I woke up and felt very well rested and calm in the morning. :blush:


A ritual…liking that.

Always thought Holy Money and Greed were very ritualistic. And a fair few Swans albums after…


Rick Astley at Manchester .
Absolutely fantastic he is better live than recorded and what a voice he has wow just wow .


Just come back from seeing Ainsley Lister, Chantel McGregor and Tom Kilner at the Picturedrome in Holmfirth. A really good gig at a great little venue.

Beer £3.80 a pint too!!!


Just back from a delightful concert of chamber music in local village


ABC, Bridgewater Hall, Manchester.

Isar Philharmonic Munich, March 10 2024

City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra

Alice Sara Ott, Piano

Kazuki Yamada, Conductor

  • Walton: “Prelude and Fugue: The Spitfire”
  • Beethoven: Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No. 3 c-minor op. 37
  • Elgar: “Enigma Variations“ op. 36