What was the last concert / gig you attended?

She played that it was brilliant.

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John Cooper Clarke in Llandudno on 27/3, and if that doesn’t count as a gig, Echo & The Bunnymen in Manchester on 16/3 and Lust For Life - Glen Matlock, Clem Burke, Kevin Armstrong, Luis Correia, Florence Sabeva and Katie Puckrick performing Iggy Pop’s Lust For Life album - in Liverpool on 8/3.

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Down in Deauville, Normandy and just passed the casino which reminded me I saw Rickie Lee Jones there around 2010 - a great show but strangely enough she didn’t do ‘Chuck E.'s in Love’.

Certainly a box to tick - well done.


We have seen the CBSO several times with Yamada conducting and they have been excellent. We saw them last month with the Enigma Variations in the programme.

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Mondays, Inspirals and Stereo MC’s tonight :sunglasses:


He and the orchestra was magnificent. I almost wished he had encored with Pomp and Circumstance but I am not sure how appropriate that would have been for Munich as a venue. I’m thinking I should probably put the Last Night on my bucket list, I am very fond of Elgar’s work for nostalgic reasons.
Alice Sara Ott is a superb pianist and the main reason we booked this concert. She did not disappoint. My first classical concert in a long while, hopefully soon to be repeated.

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She did do Chuck Es in Love and a great version of Horses. Think she had to do Horses as it’s a bit of an Aussie favourite, it was covered locally here and a huge hit, she had to claim it back.


Just back from seeing Madame Butterfly at the Royal Opera House. I have seen a fair few productions over the years but this is easily the best I have seen. Great production and great singing. But oh my word - Asmik Grigorian as Madame Butterfly herself. Just astonishing - one of the best vocal performances I have seen. She could sing the phone book (if such a thing still exists) and I would be in tears


Stereo MC’s, amzing noise from the Steptoe and Co. of Madchester; Inspirals a little underwhelming; The Bez Show, hilarious!

Excuse my 5 yrs old Iphone being unable to cope!


were you on the backstage?

Nah, 2nd row from the front. That’s Bez walking off stage.

Wish I’d had a camera with me. I had no idea we’d be that close!

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Last night out to dinner with wife and another couple at Dimitriou’s Jazz Alley in Seattle to see the performance of jazz singer/songwriter Madeleine Peyroux. The band consisted of Madeleine Peyroux (vocals & guitar), Andy Ezrin (piano, keyboards), Paul Frazier (electric bass) and Graham Hawthorne (drums).


Saw Stanley Turrentine at Jazz Alley many years ago. Great place !


Just back from seeing Sunn O ))) at the Barbican. F*ck me, that was loud - even louder than MBV and that’s saying something. They were performing as the Shoshin Duo so just two of them with heavily de-tuned guitars playing drone music at extreme noise levels. Definitely an experience but not always enjoyable TBH. Quite trippy at times though. Rather like Disaster Area in the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, probably best enjoyed in a concrete bunker 37 miles from the stage. They had a massive PA stack on stage that had more hum than a Naim amp.

Support from the amazing Jesse Sykes with Phil Wandscher and Bill Herzog. Many of you will know that Jesse Sykes sings vocals on the two The Third Mind albums and she is just incredible. I would definitely see her again


Thanks for the photos and post, @crispyduck :+1:t3:
I didn’t get tickets (luckily it turns out, as life stuff ruled it out).


Don’t know if it’s just me getting old but I find most gigs especially those out doors are way too loud these days. It’s mostly an aging artist already losing their voice having to scream over a band that too loud.


I hope you were wearing ear plugs!
I pretty much stop going to amplified gigs. The last time was Herbie Hancock. It was so loud half the time I was putting my fingers in my ears. I wish he played old school jazz but alas, he played electronic tunes mostly. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Unfortunately I wasn’t wearing ear defenders :disappointed:

I’m not sure Pete. My feeling is that now pretty much all venues use line arrays rather than PA stacks, that the greatly improved clarity has allowed volume levels to go down a bit. I don’t have hard evidence but I think volume levels are a bit less than the gigs of my youth

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Were your ears ringing hours after the gig?
In my youth, I recall hearing high pitched noise in my head for hours! :woozy_face: