What Was The Last Vinyl You Bought?

The only One Step I have is the Monk: admittedly I have no other copy to compare, but it does sound quite wonderful. I probably won’t be buying any/many more in the series, but that’s more because of the limited range of titles and the presentation - I’m not really a boxset fan any more.
Give me a good Stoughton cover anyday.

But the OS Monk does put a wide grin on my mug!


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Soo, late to the party, I have only just found The Teskey Bros. So thank you to all those who have posted them. A bargain on vinyl in the current Universal Music sale. The second is Carly Rae Jepson Dedicated. I really like her music and even can cope with the electronic pop of this. Another bargain

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I don’t really need it, as I have all the songs anyway many times over, but I haven’t got it on vinyl so it nicely fills a hole in my Fabs collection.


Another Covid purchase? Same here. Difficult to resist new purchases.

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The MoFi one step is outstanding (sound quality wise - the music is outstanding even through the telephone speaker)

They go from much better to ‘on a completely different level’. Of course, whether it is worth paying that much for them is a value judgement and each person has their different take on this. You can’t deny the sound quality though.



I know. I haven’t got the money to buy records, but I keep buying them. I’m having the front room redecorated next week, so I’m going to have to pack everything up and move about 3,000 albums over the weekend. It just seems foolhardy to add to the workload, but more albums are coming tomorrow… :thinking:


Watch your back. They weigh a lot of pounds as well :joy:

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Don’t ever think of moving house! I had to get nearly 4000 records moved. I packed them myself took nearly a week. Approx 100 boxes.
I told removals company not to stack them on top of each other. The driver was apoplectic he kept talking about wasted cubic metres of space but I wouldn’t budge. I had one large lorry just for vinyl!!



Sod the decorating buy more records!

Incidentally, last year I decided to move most of my LP collection from a room 2 floors up downstairs. Their stored in mdf cubes each one holding about 100 or more and very heavy. They were in alphabetical order, I spent two days carting them down stairs and a week after off work in bed with a knackered back.
Stupidly I didnt plan it at all and brought them down one by one figuring where to put them in the room as I went. I ended up mixing them all up around the room, so I now have for example Reggae A-E next to Jazz T-Z next to Rock L- O etc etc I’m now having to go back and forth, side to side, up and down like a whirling dervish around the room looking for a specific title whilst muttering “where the f*ck is…?” I’m starting to get used to whats where in this bonkers filing system, it makes for a great way to rediscover stuff though bumping into records you werent looking for! :rofl:


My concern now is whether the suspended floor in my old 1806 cottage can take much more of the weight! Bungaroosh wall construction prevents fixing anything to them.


Yep, take it easy on the back, and be extra careful with those Bowie albums!

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Steven Wilson - Eminent Sleaze


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Wouldn’t normally be something I’d leap at but I received an invite for a limited edition via Spotify so thought why not. It’s good fun and sounds surprisingly good too. Sadly the original and a replacement are both badly warped, I’m currently trying to flatten one of the disks (fruitlessly no doubt) under a pile of books…

On my list too. Sounds great streamed but must be even richer on vinyl with any luck.

It’s boring and from the lowest point of the Floyd’s career, but I needed it for completism’s sake. and the packaging is very, very nice…