What Was The Last Vinyl You Bought?

My WYWH is HC 33453/HAL33453 Richard. I never cease to be amazed at how good it sounds.

I need to hear it. It’s supposed to sound really “wrong” but could be amazing on the right deck. FWIW I prefer my regular HTM to the later CBS half speed.

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In from the uK this morning. Richard Hawley, Coles Corner. Just happened to hear this playing in the background last week whilst watching a video about a visit to a US Hi Fi store looking at a P8 ( Shazamed it straight away )


The Remarkable Carmell Jones is also one of the very best Tone Poet releases to date

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The Rolling Stones - It’s Only Rock N Roll.

Picked up for almost nothing. Very tatty split and cover, warped at split edge. Vinyl has water marks and mould spots. Looks like it’s been water damaged at some point. Scrubbed up beautifully on RCM, and my repair to cover only partially worked. Will try again.

Checked a couple of tracks and they played flawlessly. No noise other than the music. I’ll check the rest of the record out later.

The hunter gatherer in me is satisfied today.
Edit: bonus, it’s looking very much like a first press.


My 180 gm Pure analogue Chet Baker albums from Craft sell for $29.00 and they sound (almost) as good as my one Tone Poet of Chet Baker, but that particular Tone Poet is a recut of an especially nice recording “Chet” that pulls $400+ (used) on Discogs. I have other Tone Poet’s that do not sound better than the analogue releases from Craft. Look up Electric Recording Company records (London). Pure analogue cut from master tapes on re-built Ortophon valved cutting machines without any manipulation, jackets printed on old-time movable type printing press, and limited release to around 300 records total for the whole world. They cost me £400+ per record (just for comparison purposes), and before you ask, they do not sound £380 better than Craft, Tone Poets, Audio Nauntes, fone’ and direct to discs (I haven’t had the opportunity to listen to any of the new Deutsche Grammophon “The Original Source”, cut from the original four-track 1/2 inch tape, that I just received yet, but I would suspect they are all similar sounding). In light of this, I still think Craft records done by Kevin Grey for $29.99 is a great deal.

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I was clearly referring to the Craft/OJC’s at nearly £50 here.
Afaik Craft havent duplicated any titles done by TP, so not sure what your comparison is?

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Latest release by ‘William the Conqueror’ after enjoying the stream over the weekend.

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As well as somewhat disingenuously significantly editing your post after my replying to you, I havent the foggiest idea what your going on about. Sorry!

Your first reply was to my comment. I said Craft was making AAA LPs that compare with Tone Poet’s for less, great service too. You then used their more expensive limited release one-step process releases, which do cost more than Tone Poet’s, to argue?

I have spent literally $thousands on acquiring pure analogue recuts over the past few years and decided to share my findings so that others who also prefer the sound of pure analogue LPs (to the unreal and unemotional LP cut from digital files) could get great sounding records for a good price (and believe me, $29.99 for such is a very good price). Why would you try discredit my gift?


I am not sure what you mean by “disingenuous”.

I have Asperger’s, I find communication difficult (hence my love of recorded music). My thoughts are a whirl usually and find that once I send it, I have misspelled and missed saying what I want to say so send, read, the edit till I get it correct. I am not changing it to address others, just to address my failings.

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Just ordered a copy if this one on My Only Desire Records. Mastered by Gearbox Records, a sure sign of audio quality.


The My Only Desire are most definitely quality, bit of a daft label name though imo

Totally daft name but all their releases have been really good (particularly like the Harry Beckett). Also just ordered the Dave Gold Big Band at bargain price. I’ve a feeling that I heard the original broadcast of that one on Radio 2 circa 1975 !


Thanks @Dynaudio1 , duly ordered before they’re gone (fomo :rofl:). Very reasonable price too on the river :+1:

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I dont think that one was a Gearbox mastering but still very good

Did you get Flare Up from the Decca British Jazz Explosion series?

Was that Dave Gold the ‘Heaven On Their Minds’ album?
Never heard of him but it does sound intriguing.

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£26.61 on Amazon reduced from an inflated £30.99!
£24.00 on Bandcamp and you get the HiRes download if thats useful and more money goes to support the label and possibly the artists estate


That’s him.

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Yes - I did get the Decca of the Beckett. Total over indulgence as I do have an original on Philips. The reissue compares well and it does have those excellent new sleeve notes from Tony Higgins.

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