What Was The Last Vinyl You Bought?

You’re right, I usually let the side play the whole way through. I have an ARO, so there’s no armlift anyway.

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Yep, I’ve the Javelin that has got a lift but very rarely use it (wife does though!).
I’m pretty deft with the old finger lift with little finger resting on the plinth technique :+1:


Found copies of Sky, Sky2 and Sky4 in my local charity shop for £3 each :slight_smile:


How does this one sound?
Don’t have any of his records on Vinyl, seen him a few times but only have his music on CD.

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Arrived this week from Amazon…just delivered in brown paper bag :astonished: Fortunately no damage to the cover or album. Great sound.


This is my first vinyl copy but I have at least two versions on cd

I’m tempted by the Edsel reissue CD/DVD set.
Copy I’ve found is expensive, but the extra disc of stuff + a DVD…could be worth it.[quote=“mkp1969, post:11416, topic:186, full:true”]
This is my first vinyl copy but I have at least two versions on cd

I know! That’s why I got curious to check it out!

I have it, the DVD isn’t enough to pay over the odds, even for a real fan like me

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Thanks mkp… just saved me some money!
Ta :+1:t3:

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Portico Quartet, “Monument” (2020).

Been listening to Go Go Penguins a lot again recently. One of my favourite bands. Particularly, “Everything Is Going to Be OK” (2023), their latest album, which is as good as anything they’ve done to date.

Anyway, Roon suggested Portico Quartet. The cross over here is they appear on Go Go Penguins album “GGP/RMX “ (2021).

So, been going through their back catalogue. “Monument” (2020) is a decent album. More upbeat and groovy than some of their previous stuff, which can be a more challenging listen, maybe more for when you are in a particular mood.

Track 2 : Impressions, is remarkable. The drum rhythm hypnotic, bass notes very pleasing.

Actually, my favourite work from Portico Quartet is probably “Next Stop” (2022), a four track EP, which I’m looking to buy. (So far, have’nt found a copy in any of the places I go to buy records and CD’s). Maybe if you have access to Qobuz, go try this EP first. Highly recommended. Think it’s brilliant.

Happy listening


Public Service Broadcasting “ This New Noise” (2023).

A recent release, for Sept 23, this is such a good listen.

Been following PSB for a while now. Their “The Race For Space” (2015), first got me hooked.

It’s tricky to categorise what they do, maybe even challenging to put them into a genre. Maybe electronic, maybe instrumental, but so much more ???

As a rule, might normally say don’t usually buy live or concert albums. However, here, in the Royal Albert Hall and accompanied by the entire BBC Symphony Orchestra, they play (and record) the whole original work of “This New Noise”. Making it available on this album. (So, can’t really say it’s a live version of a recorded album).

Actually, the “live “ nature of this recording makes it something rather special.

The phrase “This New Noise”, a euphemism for the new sound of radio, was commissioned by the BBC to celebrate the birth of our British Broadcasting Corporation, during their centenary, in 2022. So, rather fitting that Public Service Broadcasting was chosen to work on this commission. Their documentary, historical style - audio samples and sound bites - suits the format perfectly.

The cross over between Orchestra and PSB is a brilliant, perfect mix…



The “blonde” BOB is nicely done, all analog and one of the mono mixes, I couldn’t resist adding it to my collection of “BOB’s”, enjoy!

Herbie Nichols Trio (Tone Poet/Blue Note)

When I first heard this on Stream it ended up on repeat play pretty much all day, similarly with this LP arriving on Saturday I’ve listened to little else all weekend.

Superb piano Jazz with a very noticeable Monk influence, but thats not to say Nichols is a copyist here, far from it, despite the obvious influence this is original and nicely involving music without being unnecesarily challenging to listen too, that draws you in.

I struggled a little initially with the LP’s sound, I was hearing quite a bit of edginess, even slight clipping, on the louder parts of Nichols playing. I initially thought something amiss with my set up which prompted some tweaking. I then compared to the Qobuz HR stream I had been enjoying (yes I know Apples v Pears) and careful listening indicated that what I was hearing is also on the stream just less pronounced and obvious. But then when I consider I’m hearing a tape aporoaching 70 years old, also RVG is generally considered not to be best at capturing piano recordings and had a technique of adjusting levels on the fly, I’m probably picking flies.

At the risk of being labelled a heretic, after a lot of listening back and forth with the HR stream I’m going to be brutally honest and (irrespective of flys) in my opinion this is a rare occasion where I find myself enjoying the HR stream more than the TP vinyl cut. I find the HR stream to be more subtle with a lighter touch presentation that to my ears and perception comes accross as more musical than the comparatively subjectively thicker, heavier more hifi presentation of the TP.

My streamer is a relatively humble Bluesound Node 2i vs an almost full Klimax spec LP12/DV 17DX/Superline HCDR, which makes the comparison I hear most surprising.

Either way, slight caveats aside, its still a very enjoyable album worth checking out.



Rolling Stones - Hackney Diamonds (purple vinyl).


He is a good player without doubt, I have a few of his albums that I enjoy. Its a bit of an exaggeration though in my view to say he’s one of our greatest living Jazzmen, its not a description that springs to my mind when I listen to his records.

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2012 Limited Edition White vinyl… :sunglasses: :grinning:


Sorry, I need to revise my post.
Put my goggles on and got more up close and personal with my arm/cart set up and after doing an Uncle Ernie…aaaaaah, thats better!
Looks/sounds like my set up was a bit off after all.

Similar to @AndyJ I’m curious