What Was The Last Vinyl You Bought?

Donald Byrd at The Half Note Cafe - BN/Tone Poet (2023)

I hope Tone Poet decides to release Vol2 I love When Sonny Gets Blue.


Careful now… Mrs Deeg thought i’d joined a cult when i first started listening to them :joy:… you might try want to try Heilung out, in a similar style but more like an angry adolescent compared to Wardruna’s ‘adult’ approach.


I’m sure that a man with your clout, Richard, is able to ring the Factory, tell them what’s needed, and as if by magic the tweeter is replaced within days. In fact, I imagine that they’ll fit a matched pair of tweeters, so that your listening pleasure isn’t interrupted for long!

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Postie just delivered new OMD album on Vinyl and CD

Vinyl is bog standard single disc & black vinyl….


Succumbed to the Tone Poet LP of this one, with Jackie McLean ‘Demon’s Dance’ to follow.

Now waiting no longer…


Held off on this one as I have an excellent Vol 1 stereo original but I will likely be ‘in’ for Vol 2.

At the very least they could get some quality consistency in this series and it’s not as if they are super cheap. After all, RTI are managing it with the TP series. End of rant…

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Second hand buy of Lady in Satin. It’s a 2016 reissue licensed to DeAgostini GmbH and De Agostini UK Ltd. It says it’s part of a Jazz on 33 1/3 collection set and not to be sold separately. Anyone know anything about that set?
It looks well pressed and in good nick. I paid £14. Bargain or…?


Very well regarded series that sold with a magazine. Often cut AAA I believe.
They can still be found on Discogs but as is the current trend, prices are on the up, so £14 if in good order, and it looks to be, is a bargain.


That set was part of a magazine partworks series - that is, an LP coupled with a related magazine. I think the jazz series was issued some years ago. I didn’t get any of them but I believe the pressings were favourably regarded generally.


I had kind of blue from that series and it is a pretty good example as far as I can tell

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Caravan - Cunning Stunts

Probably my favourite Caravan album. This reissue was received yesterday. I now have fingers crossed hoping that it’s going to be a nice, clean and flat pressing.


Analogue Productions Atlantic 75 Audiophile Series :notes: :grinning:


Have concluded that Mrs Deeg used an Acme Scratch-o-matic record player in her youth… to replace her copy which was beyond redemption. Kept the matt gatefold cover of the original on show as prefer it to the new one’s glossy version.


She should have upgraded to a Groovegrinder


I’ve got 11 of those albums from that partwork series and they are all excellent pressings…

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Thanks for the info everyone. It’s been degrittered and is in fine condition. The sound is good too, a bit of vinyl whoosh audible in between tracks, but not too bad. I have no other reference to compare this issue to, but I’m happy :smiley:


How does this one sound @apye? Michael 45rpm was very impressed.

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Yeah very good! :+1: :notes: :grinning:
I haven’t done a direct comparison with my early copy but it sounds fuller and more dynamic…


My latest purchases of October: