What Was The Last Vinyl You Bought?

For info @Richard.Dane, my double white vinyl copy sounds fine as well, certainly not flat.

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Arrived 5 minutes ago.
Here in Milan the situation caused by Coronavirus is truly serious and we were ordered to stay home and leave it only for contingency needs. So I will spend some time listening to this new album. To @Richard.Dane
I apologise if this post is off topic,and remove it if needed.


It’s fine by me Peppo. Stay well, and enjoy spinning some tunes on LP.

Thank you Richard.:pray:

New Stax/Vinyl Wings re-issue of a BT&TMGs classic:


Can’t remember the last title I bought, but it was at least 25 or so years ago. Got around 1600 LP’s gathering dust in the basement.

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The Forum Vinyl Vultures are gathering as we speak!!!

So…where’d ya live again? :wink:

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I am in the USA, Colorado. I’ve thought about selling them off, but it’s too much work (or work I don’t want to do). Of my whole collection, maybe 200 or so have real value, i.e. rare and/or in demand titles, early audiophile stuff (direct disc, Mobile Fidelities, Sheffields, etc). But, of course, everybody wants to cherry pick. I’m looking to unload the whole collection. Looking up everything on discogs, rating the condition, researching the pressing, then listing, selling and shipping is just not worth it to me given the time and effort involved. I may try and find a record store (endangered and dying species) that’s willing to come over and make an offer on the whole thing. I’m not going to start schlepping around hundreds of pounds of vinyl.

The great Johnny Guitar Watson, at last…

Wonderful production of just class Funk/RnB with his inimitable guitar. Love it!


LP - Just finished listening to this one
Got your one on CD rip, will try it now


Both excellent albums @steviebee and @Ian. Funk Beyond The Call Of Duty and Giant are also both well worth investigating:


Thanks - got them both - he is fun !

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Cheers Kev. They were the two I was next thinking about. Altho I’d heard him before, A Real Mother is the first LP of his I’ve bought (it was a sealed US, which are like magnets to me!)

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Mine wasn’t great either unfortunately.

A new copy of a classic…


I’ve given side B of my copy off white Ladder another play - uurgh! It sounds like groove damage after having been played repeatedly by a worn or broken stylus. The high frequencies are totally distorted and “fuzzy”. I’ve initiated a return and asked for a replacement copy. Hopefully better luck second time around…

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Can’t stop playing this on Apple Music.

Arriving Friday - Rammstein:

I may break a rule and buy the CD quality version from Qobuz too (no hi-res available) - actual CD more expensive for once - tricky one as the physical CD has dropped to only a few quid more than Qobuz.

The right holders have not allowed streaming on Tidal and Qobuz. Also one which is not available in AmazonMusic as an AutoRip eligible purchase.


Hi Dan, I saw the wonderful Kathryn Williams at Union Chapel last year. She sang one song from ‘The Novel’ which I liked, so I got the CD which was hard to get at the time. I see Kathryn’s Bandcamp page is now has the album and is well stocked, so that’s good news. At the gig, ‘The Magic Numbers’ gave excellent support among her other friends. I was pleased to buy the 20 CD ‘Anthology’, which is beautifully packaged & recommended.

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I took it back and exchanged it. New copy is much better.

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I might get another copy as too late to return mine - sometimes the time invested in returning (online or physical store) is simply not worth it for the cost of the item (awful to say that I know), but in any case I like duplicates of favourite albums and that ranks highly!