What Was The Last Vinyl You Bought?

Oh yes, and well done PG for offering a 16 or 24bit download with the vinyl. I wish more would do this!


@Richard.Dane I’ve listened to the 24/96 Qubuz streams, and I now have both vinyl albums, ready for listening over Christmas. Albums of the year for me.

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A really beautiful, life-affirming album from PG.


I would never have guessed that that was Peter Gabriel in the photo.

Pete Townshend perhaps!

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Lovely chilled album and a perfect pressing.


Have been after this on vinyl for some time so had no hesitation in ordering this 20th anniversary edition reissue… :grinning: :+1:t3:


Sorry for the rubbish photo but these arrived today.
M Gardot new US pressing
Beefheart 1st UK pressing
J Jackson 1st Us pressing

Beefheart, absolutely sublime can’t believe I got this for £20! Absolutely silent between tracks. Read up a lot on this one and seemingly this was the best pressing far better than the recent double RSD release.
J Jackson, again great. I can understand why K Gray used this pressing as a reference for the expensive AP pressing, it’s stunning!

Santa has well and truly come early!

M Gardot, haven’t listened all the way through yet but sounds great (as it should being new).


I lust after that JJ’s UK 1st pressing! :heart_eyes:

I have the original 1959 mono pressing but this one just popped up on the Acoustic Sounds website. I am not a fan of Mofi records but some time ago a friend of mine brought it and played on my Sondek. Sounded lovely. This one is sealed unplayed pressing and hope it’ll sound as good as my friends. ( you will never know! )

Ian Bostridge and Andsnes’ Wintereise. They finally put it on a vinyl.


The DVD (bluray/?) is horrible but for the music, ‘worthwhile’. (assuming ‘the same’ concert)…

A friend who’s copy I have borrowed, has used it a few times when we are breaking in transports or ‘a new DAC’, and I love their (my friends) methodology…
gradually works up the quality of recordings and ‘bitrates’ until we get to lossless…
The Dolby audio of live in Paris is a hard listen, but has proven itself ‘transparent’ on nice enough kit.
A vinyl would of course be beautiful!

was ‘very happy to see’ that cover…
wasn’t lost on me being next to Sting/the Police…
that same friend grew up on O’ahu and saw many many live concerts (in a volcano no less)… many costing relative peanuts to go see… (stoner surfer crowd not missing many at all)…

again, thankyou for the showing :wink:

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I actually do have the Bluray, which I do recall as being a bit average. But I was actually thinking of the vinyl, of which I have an 80’s pressing of. In fact, I had it out the other day to test the old LP12 I’ve just bought.

I can’t match that, though we have three volcanos we can see from our house and we are on top of a redundant one.

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I come from the ‘northern rivers’ (NSW), but I am guessing, based on avatar pic, you are NZ based?

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Yes, Whangarei, in Northland.

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That one is a US 1st pressing and (IMHO) far better than my UK 1st. This new US one cost me the pricely sum of £6 (+£4 p&p) on discogs.

I did a direct comparison of the Intervention reissue vs. the UK first of Night and Day. I’ll see if I can find the old post. I think the Intervention was my favourite.


Only got 1st pressings of UK & US, US for me was the better.
Seemingly Kevin Gray used it as a benchmark for the Intervention release, which are very pricey now!

IIRC both the US and UK 1st pressings were taken from the same IAM cut by Richard Donaldson (RD), so should sound very similar. Main difference will be down to the vinyl itself, and here, where similar metalwork is used, I have always tended to prefer US formulations.

The Intervention reissue is superb.

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Never heard the Intervention but yes, I bet it sounds great!
To be honest I’ve had the UK for donkeys years but never really listened to it until a couple of months ago and wow, what a stunner, brilliant songs that make you sit down and take it all in properly. Production is spot on too, everything sounding just right.
A bit or crackle hear and there (nothing too bad) so took a punt on the US copy for that price. Pleased I did as it’s near mint, so yes, that’s probably why it’s better for me!

I did the AB with Intervention and friend’s UK original pressing. Hands down UK pressing sounded much better. I started to have doubts over Intervention release as I also had the same experience with their Aja.

Two more bandcamp purchases, being delivered between Xmas and NYE

Until The Tide Creeps In by Penelope Isles

Which Way To Happy by Penelope Isles