What Was The Last Vinyl You Bought?

Horace Silver: Blowin’ the Blues Away

It’s been a while since I got a new vinyl. Love this reflective piece called ‘Peace’.










In this time of lockdown and being unable to browse record shops and fairs, I managed to get this for a reasonable price on a well know records for sale site
Its in very good condition for 53 years old






Very nice pressing, lovely dynamics and extremely quiet.


This is slightly disappointing, a few too many pops and crackles. I’ll give it a good “Okki Nokki” but I’m not over confident. :grimacing:


Neil Young. Great hat trick of albums. Won’t put you in party mood though :sunglasses:

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John Coltrane - Giant Steps

Having seen the tip from Richard Dane on the Jazz thread, I ordered another copy of this - well it was only £5.99 + P&P from WHS, so it would have been rude not to. It took eight days to get here, but first thing I did was to cut the paper inner sleeve off, which was stuck on with static, and clean it on the Okki Nokki. Currently playing on the LP12. It’s very good, almost as good as the CD version I have on the NS01.


Pet Sounds is very good, great bass

Still picking up solo Beatles re-issues at decent prices



The Exodus box set arrived a couple of days ago and although it is beautifully packaged it did have a couple of issues, the outer box had a small crease on one corner and two of the LP covers had small 20mm tears to the spines. HMV did offer to exchange or refund in store once they where open but because of the fact that it was half price and that the actual records where perfect and beautifully pressed I’ve decided to live with those small defects.
Right down to the music and it is absolutely worth the money I’d even go so far as to say that if you are a serious BM&W fan that a perfect physical copy would be worth the full asking price. If you have Tidal and maybe the other main streaming services you can actually listen to Ziggy’s reworking of the record before you buy the box set I thought it was excellent especially ‘Turn Your Lights Down Low’ and the alternate version of ‘Wait in Vain’ from the original recording session was also an excellent addition.
On to the Exodus Live LP which was recorded at the Rainbow Theatre the video of which has been widely available for many years so may be known to some of you but it is the first official audio copy I’ve heard of and again this is available on Tidal, firstly like Ziggy’s reworking the mastering and sound are very good and as always the band are excellent form I’ve always really loved the long version of ‘Guiltiness’ it’s as good a live performance as you will hear in my book.
Next up is the ‘Punky Reggae Party’ 12" I’ve only listened to the previously unreleased 13 minute version of ‘Keep on Moving’ on the B-Side and it is so far my favourite part of the box set.
I’ve not listened to both 7" singles yet only one side the excellent 'Smile Jamaica Pt 1"
I’ve not listened to the original version of Exodus or read the beautifully printed booklet but small physical defects aside I’m absolutely chuffed to bits with this box set every single part of which deserves to be included there are no fillers at all.
Exodus is one of my favourite records of all time and though Bob has his detractors amongst so called ‘real reggae fans’ usually crusty old white guys in dusty used record shops who love to say he sold out whatever that means for me he was one of the greatest politically motivated musicians right up there with Bob Dylan and whilst it isn’t his strongest record musically lyrically and conceptually it’s his best bar none.
I wonder what he would make of the last week’s events in America.


I wonder what he would make of the last week’s events in America?

My last vinyl purchase

Screenshot 2020-05-31 at 08.15.41

I know what she would have said .

I sometimes have great difficulty reminding myself we live in the 21st century .


Yes it is absolutely soul sickening and without completely taking this post off thread though in my book music can and should be political these protests should now be taken world wide and of course be kept peaceful because the my country, my tribe first populist politics that we are seeing take hold world wide are so divisive that you run the risk of alienating one side so much that these uprisings will continue to happen all it takes is a spark.


Bob Marley. Exodus. Thanks for the in depth review of the box set. It’s a shame about the minor defects with the packaging. I too have have bought items with the same problem and even though it is the music that matters it can be irritating. I will be looking at a possible purchase myself. You can’t have too much of Bob. And if he were alive today his music would still be relevant but he wouldn’t like not being able to play to live audiences.
And on your other point I’m sure you are familiar with them but if you’re not check out the lyrics to Oxford town by Bob Dylan. Serious comment made with subtlety and dry humour

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My copy arrived yesterday also, not had chance to play it yet. Good to hear it’s a good un!


2019 2LP version arrived yesterday. Stunning pressing. Usual Crimso mix of astonishing and twaddle - but that’s all part of the appeal.