What Was The Last Vinyl You Bought?

Good to know, thanks

Love this album, and the Bellman cut Rhino reissue is superb.

To anyone else reading this thread and who also loves this album, get this one while you can…

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New Sufjan, astonishing packaging and clear vinyl, it’s not Illinoise but what is?

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Latest LP by two leading lights of the UK avant-garde. Only 200 copies made.

2019 RE 200gr.


More from the Amazon van…


Some more from the past few weeeks


Friday Postie’s getting a little miffed at extra weight…

Not sure what the black foam square with a question mark is for? Can only assume they intend to release a new album or an extras or something separately… Still, quite nice :grinning:


RSD Alternate Rumours. This went out of stock everywhere fast! Vinyl looks good, hope it sounds good.


Yep, couldn’t get one!

Alternate Rumours: Just played it. What a great lp! All different versions, some subtle, some completely different, like The Chain. Perfect silent pressing. Really enjoyed it and look forward to listening properly one late evening.


I believe another album is on its way J - no idea what though. How do the records sound?

Only played some of lovers rock so far but that is very nice indeed


I just wish they would release them separately. I’ve already got three of them on vinyl and don’t like duplicating

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I’d heard it was for a future release too.

I agree, some of the albums are more to my taste than others - a few originals could be in a better state so I’d buy them again but the cost for the whole set is not something I’d relish splashing out on.

Vinyl seems to be becoming a bit of a cash cow for the music industry who think fans will simply lap up boxed sets in their droves, perhaps we do, but we’re selective. Perhaps not a cash cow, it probably doesn’t generate that much, but I wonder what the markup for physical media are these days and how sales compare. At release CDs are often near a tenner vinyl £@0 or so, a few months later the vinyl prices remain high (lower stocks?) whereas CD prices to a few pounds only.

This David Bowie vinyl boxset just delivered this morning. I finally took the plunge with this as I recently got his Young Americans album on CD and absolutely loved it and I thought I really need to plug some big gaps in my Bowie collection. This vinyl boxset seemed a good way of doing this, especially as it was reduced in price to £150 at HMV.

It’s a lovely package, with a booklet and all the records come in poly-lined sleeves. I’m looking forward to playing some of these records later.


Agree with much of this but in this case shopping around got the set for £120, which at £20 an album is OK.

Plus, from the bits I’ve played so far, they sound lovely. The band were apparently involved in the re-mastering and wanted to improve things where they could, without dramatically changing anything. And they are good, with no background noise whatsoever and of course mint as they come!

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Saw an interview with GQ on line, apparently they are ‘ in the studio’.

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Managed to find one at a sensible price!