Which JAZZ album have you discovered and why you enjoy it

No problem! I have responded to your recent post in the Jazz thread.

Downloaded this one today. Robert Glasper and Mesheel Ndegocello


Charles Sourisse. Remembering Jaco. Nice.

@frenchrooster - sorry to have missed your best Jazz of 2020 thread, it’s the height of summer here and I was only just back to work today after the Christmas break, too busy camping to do that much reflection on the year’s discoveries. Although you seem to have enjoyed most that I have, primarily from Bandcamp.
In no particular order :wink:

  1. Wuhen - Kamal Williams
  2. Dark Matter - Moses Boyd
  3. Uprize - SPAZA
  4. Who sent you - Irreverible entanglements
  5. Collocutor - Continuation

Uprize is the only one I’ve not seen referred to in your great threads… https://spaza.bandcamp.com/album/uprize-music-from-the-original-motion-picture

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Hi, thanks Holmes. I just checked Uprize. Seems that I will pleases me. I put it on my favourite Bandcamp and will then later listen to the album.
We share some good albums :+1:
To be continued in the Jazz thread!

@frenchrooster if you like that try the first SPAZA release, I’ve enjoyed it alot over the last 18 months. https://spaza.bandcamp.com/album/spaza

A new one just dropped on my doorstep What Was The Last Vinyl You Bought?

Hi, thanks. Tried them, even twice for Spaza. But a bit too “mushrooms “jazz for me. :japanese_ogre::jack_o_lantern:. Too high, if you understand me. But I will have to listen later, maybe I will be this time in harmony. :smiley:

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Still waiting on my copy to come but listen on Tidal until then


Thank you FR for the new thread. My opinion on the older 50’s and 60’s Jazz and the newer let’s say more contemporary Jazz isn’t one of old and new but of style and of musical tastes some people just prefer Chet Baker to Sons of Kemet it has nothing to with the era these artists recorded in but of the style of Jazz they play which to some is as different as Little Richard and Slayer.

I do feel that with Jazz more than any other genre you can be labelled as old fashioned or something less of a Jazz fan if you don’t embrace the very new sounds of Jazz but hopefully this thread can reflect all styles of Jazz recorded in the past few decades.

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A very modern Jazz player playing some standards.

And through James Allsop I discovered drummer Kit Downes who also plays a more pared down some might say traditional Jazz but in a very modern way. I’ve yet to buy the album on ECM but listening on Tidal. Recorded at Huddersfield University and featuring the excellent Saxophonist Tom Challenger.


Another very talented young Jazz player is George Crowley.

As long as musicians speak in the queens English aren’t trendy or have beards right? :joy:
Otherwise, sounds like your changing your tune Bob, very welcome :wink:

Of course I’ve heard of RG and love all the cross over stuff he does but I’d not heard this record until a few days ago.



For those who play LP’s Canvas was released as part of the recent Blue Note BN80 series.

You know he has a beard, and Canvas includes a piece titled Jelly’s Da Beener, right? :grin:

Discovered that artist yesterday. French artist, playing with french musicians, as Laurent de Wilde.

Black Focus - Yussef Williams.

Not a huge fan of Jazz Fusion from the 70’s & 80’s but this collaboration from Yussef Dayes and Kamal Williams is something really special.



A friend suggested I have a listen to Miles Davis In A Silent Way.


And a great recommendation from a member on another thread Vastbo Trio Gentlemen…


not a great jazz fan - prog rock is more my thing - but I have been discovering the sax playing of Art Pepper.

Blown away by it!