Why do I enjoy my nait 2 better than 62/hi/140

That’s correct :grin:


Yes, but it’s still just a myth cos no one has ever found matching speakers :grin:


SL2s, and he is correct


The CB version, obviously.

@bruss Obviously :grin:

@snarfy Tell us more about the SL2s!

Except for a Nait 1, perhaps.


And that is easily beaten by a NAC22/NAP120 :slightly_smiling_face:

This thread reminds me happily of a former forum member for whom a 500 series amp was excellent, a Nait 5i was excellent, and the rest was largely flotsam :-))

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Ah yes :slight_smile:

Thought he also understood the Nait 2, though, or is my memory blurred there?

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I would not worry too much just listen to the amp in the system that gives you the most pleasure.

The Nait 2 is a very good amp, one of Naim’s all-time greats.

One thought though is that do you keep the Nac62/NAP140 etc switched on all the time or do you turn it off. Some of the harshness if you switch it off maybe from not keeping it on. Also, have you tried taking the Hi-cap out of the system? You may find it is that which is having the effect on the sound you do not like.


Across the board some pretty consistent feedback I would say:

  • Try the separates without the HiCap
  • Try a digital source proven to be more compatible e.i. CD5 XS or better
  • Service the Nait 2, now not a valid comparison with the serviced separates
  • If the unserviced sound is preferred in the current system context try a different / modern amp from Naim or other brand
  • The Nait 2 is special, if still preferred after service just join the club and sell the other gear

Looking forward to @kenbrady reporting back, a shame not to fully enjoy lovely Naim shoebox gear!


this sound was present before the servicing which was a year ago for all 3. I originaly did not have the hi cap and don’t remember what adding it did but I don’t know wherer the blanking plug is so can’t try without. And that doesn’t really make sense to me. NAIT2 with all same sources does not have this issue. But bass is too soft or lacks some impact.

Yes NAIT 2 brings back the dead I am 110 years old LOL

Both of which can be remedied by a service and a (much) better source.

(Seriously, I use standmounts not to have too much deep bass for the neighbours in our apartment building, otherwise I would hook up some Neat Motives XS2 or big Regas, but LP12 and previously also DAC-V1 into the Nait 2 with the right speakers is pumpin’ boogie.
The modern Nait XS3, which I’m kind of partial to, obviously has more slam, with these sources that is, and has a surprisingly comparable sound presentation.)

You’ll feel right at home here then :wink:


The 140 is a 110 but with separate rectification / smoothing for each channel. It gives the amp a little bit more power but loses some of the magical sweetness the 110 is noted for.

The 62 is a 42.5 but with different input switching (which greatly shortens the signal path). It likely sounds a bit cleaner / clearer than the older pre, but perhaps loses some warmth in the midrange.

The HiCap adds clout and body to the sound of either setup and generally opens the window to the source a bit more. Which can be a double edged sword.

42.5 / 110 with NoCap would be closer to the Nait.


just to be clear the Rega planet cd is feeding an external DAC from MSB so I guess the DAC is the source. I could by pass that and see if it helps. I really don’t see a future in CD’s although I have a lot so maybe a newer one would be in order. So not sure I want to put money into it and besides the Rega is know for a warmer and smother sound so doesn’t seem to liely that it is the problem.
But the same source on the NAIT does not have the resonant sound I am referring to in the same room on the same rack.

The excellent summary above by @Mr.Tibbs, along with the feedback before, should give you a direction on what’s likely happening and why.

From there you have several possible courses of action. By all means do try the Rega Planet directly into the pre. I remember it as a very sweet-fuzzy source so should be totally listenable if not very detailed. If the problem persists I would venture that the serviced 62/hi/140 is simply not to your liking, more than a malfunction somewhere.

The Nait 2 after a service could then be all you need. Also the 42.5/110 combo could be just the ticket, having more of the Nait 2 sound but in a punchy duo-package. Or maybe you’ll be totally happy with a current Nait 5Si. In all these cases investing in a nice digital source (ND5 XS2?) will bring rewards for the whole system to shine. So many options to be listed when you dive into the boards here.

There simply is no substitute for trying things (after narrowing down the options based on good advice). Keep what you like and sell off the rest again. Hope all this helps and good luck!

OK but there was a reason I upgraded to separates 18 years ago before any servicing would have been imminent on the NAIT2. Thanks for your help but I am no further into figuring out the sound issue. OK on Vinyl not ok on cd. I guess it can’t be answered

Things like that can be very annoying, Ken. I had a somewhat similar experience years ago, but then the other way around.

After having had a used LP12 on loan, which was fine but a bit uneventful, I ordered a new one in a spec that most customers like. To my horror it was a total mismatch in my system and in my room, to the point of being almost unlistenable. The dac and tuner sources were just fine as they had been.
The very knowledgeable Linn dealer came to my place, had a listen and then rebuilt the LP12 to a very different spec within somewhat the same budget. It took a different tonearm, cable, cartridge, subchassis and psu but the result was now total synergy!

This goes to show that it helps to have an experienced dealer, but also that our systems are sensitive enough to require good system- and room matching and that uncommon mismatches can be around the corner. Hence my plead to try several other options to see what happens in your situation. Again, good luck!


Interesting, would you be willing to go into more detail as to the specs of the before and after LP12, perhaps in a new thread so it doesn’t take Ken’s thread off topic?

No problem, I will post a reply in the Show us your Sondek thread.

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