Why I am gaining weight

I experienced the time when some vodka was served too. But times have changed.
When I go in Poland I have difficulties with that breakfast today. I eat mostly fruits and almonds on morning.

Or : “ The only way to free yourself from temptation is to give in to it. Resist and your soul becomes sick from longing for what it forbids itself”
Google translate, maybe it’s not the exact O Wilde words.


I have rarely seen a fat Dutch. Brits, OTOH, are getting closer to the Americans in terms of obesity.


I’ve just put on 5kgs looking at those photos. :grin:



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The bicycle, our secret weapon.


I definitely noticed that Dutch folk are rather tall, it was like land of the gaints for me. But they’ve always been wonderful hosts, had some great times in Amsterdam.


Yep, I know what you mean. I am 5’7”” (170cm) even wearing 3 pairs of socks! I certainly feel like a very small guy in Holland. Great place though and lovely people.


That’s what i call a “self-esteem charger”! :grinning:

Just one of those meals would equal 2-3 days worth of food for me (8st 13 so not exactly a great eater).

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I think that a burger has no place on a breakfast and that is clearly why weight may be put on :slight_smile:

Britain seems to follow USA in almost everything, an increasing trend probably only over the past half to 3/4 century. Sadly mostly not for the better in my view.


Only fatter.

5 weeks ago we lost 5kg in 10 days, now we’re losing ~0.5kg / week, not intentional (BMI ~23).

We don’t recommend pancreatitis as a weight control programme.

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Are you siamese ?

Errr, no.
Other than Hoshi, we’re English; Hoshi is Japanese (and he’s also an Inari kitsune).

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As you lost together 5 kg, I understood in total. So it’s 5 kg each, apart Hoshi?

Yeah. Even your ex prime minister used to ride to work. Charming!

Agreed. A cold pizza would be more appropriate! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


But in these days of the omnipresent microwave, avoidable.


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