Why I am gaining weight

A solution is not how much you eat but how often you eat!
Wife and I lost several stones each by following the every other day diet.
Eat anything you want just not so often.

If you’re a 25 yo rugby player you might be alright with that diet. If you’re over 50 you’re probably on a lot of meds.

mix it up with psycillium husk and bake into a loaf.
better than it sounds….

n.b. do add some baking powder though… :wink:

We started it at 60, we are now into are 70s and much fitter for it.
After going from obice to ideal over 18 months, we now do something more like every other week.

If you’re eating that quantity of fare in your 70s and not on meds you should check yourself into a lab because you’re a freak of nature.

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As Hoshi is a Japanese celestial spirit fox, we’re not sure that he weighs anything, unless he chooses to. (However he certainly feels to have the weight of a normal fox.)

As weight is a property of the body, I suppose we’ve ALL lost 6kg (5kg 6 weeks ago to 4 weeks ago, then about another 1kg over the last 2 weeks). We’ll ask around inside to see if anyone other than Pru and myself have noticed this.


Yeuch! Raw bacon. :nauseated_face:

If the optimum food intake is 100 units, whether that is for weight reduction or sustainment, there is no need to consume the same amount every day. 150 units one day, followed by 50 units the next, also works. Simple science!

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Food in Madeira is wonderful in summer. A lot of stuff is imported and highly seasonal. Fish are seasonal as well. Other times of the year, you are looking at a lot of beef and potatoes. Same for the Azores.

That’s a great theory, the rates of health outcomes and mortality suggest it’s not that easy.

This isn’t some wild idea from me, Dr Krista Varady made it the subject of her doctorate and it works. See “The Every Other Day Diet” for more details.
On a more appetising note, my favourite dish from Madeira was Tuna and Banana, shouldn’t work but does.

I’m not vested in disproving your claims, I know the effects of poor diet and the data is consistent with what I’ve observed.

Why I can’t shed that pesky 10lbs?

Cuz I have zero will power. :roll_eyes:


I’m sure they’re low calorie. :grin:

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When I search Hoshi spiritual fox, I am directed to Kitsune, via google.
Have no idea of what you are talking about.

Hoshi is a kitsune; specifically an Inari kitsune.

He is one 13 identities (personalities in common language) who inhabit our head. We have dissociative identity disorder. Finding this out is why we started referring to ourselves in the plural - when we stopped ‘masking’, i.e. trying to present as singular.


This is what Hoshi looks like:


Two Portuguese “dishes” stand out…

  • porco à Alentejana (pork and clams)
  • pastéis de Belém (or nata and most people know them as)

Maybe should you use 13 different avatars? :slightly_smiling_face: