Why is this board so 'blokey'?


Hmmm … that could take a while …


Yes, that’s true @Ebor that most of us really encounter to small a sample of interested people to form an opinion.
Being outnumbered 4 to 1 in my family, having three daughters, I have a difficult time trying to find people interested in audio, but I must admit that their spouses have no interest either. Could be a generational thing tho as many of them just listen to earbuds and cell phones as the norm.

I haven’t been to an audio show in many years, so I forget, but I wonder (sincerely) what the m/f ratio of intrigued buyers/attendees is at the shows these days.

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Viv Stanshall and Bonzo Dog

Here is an example.

The plastic wash basin in green is separated from the main wash basin.
When unused, does it belong in this practical position ?

Does it belong in the main wash basin ?

I’ve just checked my profile and found that I’ve given three likes during the past year, with the most recent being last September. That’s far too many.


Well spotted……telepathy between Bath & Bristol ?

Now you’ve got 4 ! :crazy_face::guitar::crazy_face::guitar:

You need to read my post again…


Not possible, don’t know where you live and no access to your letterbox anyway ….

When I die, I’ll tell St Pete that I got a like from HH (perhaps by accident and via his old account).


:smile: Moderation is the key. Well done.

I think you may be onto something here …

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What about on its side in the mini sink?

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Just don’t give one to @Pete_the_painter - we want him to live a long life!


The important thing is that the bowl matches the tiles. Impressive.


Start the “Show us your chainsaw” :grin:

Well aware of HH, obvs, but who’s this other guy? Street Pete? And you’re going to be some kind of ghost? Wha’? :wink::joy:

I think St Pete has an Australian accent and has allowed me access to heavenly premises before in Salisbury.

I did genuinely not notice that !!!