Why is this board so 'blokey'?

Consider two washing machines. One to put the dirty stuff in, one for the clean stuff. Saves you other storage too as well as manual work to move the dishes from the dishwasher to the storage.

It’s more efficient and I thought a scientist like you might appreciate the creative suggestion.



We would have to find more crockery, cutlery and saucepans if we have wait another day or two or (…well you get the picture) if we could not have washed up stock available…

And we could not fit another appliance into the kitchen, or anywhere else for that matter, tiny kitchen, the worktop along one wall has been cut down from the standard 600 mm depth to fit.

And to save the washing up (if we are not having visitors) I use the same mug for every coffee all day.

When at work that strategy mostly meant I could keep “my” mug for my use and it would not get nicked from the cupboard in the staff room.

Ah…I give mine up…stand there … well I am sure you will get the picture, but you are best to forget, not exactly pretty…

Agree that wash day and the weather for drying is important…

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Funnily enough I heard of someone doing just that (possibly more than / machines) only in the past week or so. Not sure where - might have been Grand designs on TV. How well it would work would depend on the variety of different types of crockery one uses.(We use quite a variety of different bowls and plate sizes/shapes for different things.)


I’ve wondered about having 2 dishwashers myself!

In reality it takes me so long to load one, I think I’d be faster washing by hand provided someone else was doing the rinsing and drying.

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My partner always gives out to me about how I stack the dishwasher. Saying she can get much more in a wash. However almost all breakages with plates, glass and mugs are from shoving too much in…


Our former name on the previous forum was nothing more than a play on words …
and we’re not going to explain it either!

(Xanthe is the body’s middle name.)


Generally about every 3rd day. Ocxasionally more things used and another in the week. I don’t actually count!. Re things like cups, I use a pint size bone china mug for tea, quick rinse after use (or when drinking Chinese tea, just top up with fresh hot water), multiple cupfulls per day, and only put it in dishwasher when that is going on. We all do likewise with drinking vessels. Pans and the like and kitchen knives, collander etc wash by hand immediately after use, (rinse and drip dry).

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If you and @dmu liked BotW, then I highly recommend Elden Ring! Its basically the Game of Thrones version of open world games. Not on Switch tho unfortunatly

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I don’t have the patience to actually play from soft games but do greatly enjoy watching streams where other people die repeatedly to bosses :smiling_imp:.

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Haha! I know exactly what you mean! My son got me to try Dark Souls 3 a few years ago and I couldn’t get past the tutorial level :joy_cat:
Elden ring is quite a bit easier tbh, especially after you level up a bit.

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I have some lovely china mugs depicting cats and dogs I got from Waitrose a few years ago - thin china and probably hold 400-500ml as well, sadly no longer stocked or any similar variants.

I probably get through 6-8 mugs of tea in the day which is a lot but after 2 mugfulls they get lots of tide marks and I’ll use a clean one instead of washing by hand which I should reconsider.

With school-kids we have lots of small sandwich boxes and plastic drink bottles to wash/clean (especially as my son loves milk but often has half a dozen plastic bottles in his room with residual curdled contents that are hard to clean by hand!)

Larger items like pans we really should clean manually as I think it’s quicker and better but we rarely do so as we’re ‘late eaters’.

I do the same to be honest, I take ages trying to cram a lot in and rearrange until I get ‘best geometric fit’. My partner on the other hand seems to have a knack of overfilling with items completely out of reach of the water jets (stacked on things underneath them on top shelf generally).


I’m the only one who ever cleans the filter or tops up the salt (95% of the time anyway!).


There was an interesting report on R4 in the “Best Thing Since Sliced Bread” show on the merits of washing up by hand or in a dishwasher. The expert they consulted said for energy and water consumption a full dishwasher is the best for the environment, especially the water consumption, washing a few bits by hand can use as much or more water than a full dishwasher does.

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Did they mention the ‘cost’ of production, transport and disposal of the mc?

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I think I listened to that or saw a similar item on TV.

Admittedly many people are on metered water so the dishwasher may be a cost saver over time but for those who aren’t and pay a flat rate which might be higher than metered I suspect over a population things balance out - some use lots of water for gardening, washing the car, take more baths or hand wash lots of dishes.

Can’t remember if what I heard or saw factored in not only water usage with a machine but additional factors such as electricity and dishwasher tablets as water is not the only cost/environmental factor.

Naturally I wouldn’t want to waste water, but we all pay a lot for utilities and if we consume less they’ll probably increase prices to compensate!

Funny really, the thread has gone from male over-representation on the forum to men debating activities which traditionally were delegated to females that men wouldn’t touch, but as soon as a machine or gadget is involved it’s gender neutral!


Yes, I was only just thinking that.
There’s not a lot of other subjects to consider without inviting criticism of gender stereotypes.

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I didn’t know they sell pets at Waitrose.


There’s an excellent docudrama on iPlayer about Delia Derbyshire, the BBC sound guru/composer/mathematician.

[I mention that because she was female!]


Gosh. Punctuation is important isn’t it?!

(Sorry I couldn’t resist.)