Your Most Interesting Live Album

Ha ha - yeah sounds like Barden alright. I will always remember this when I listen to that track - thanks.

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Yeah, he has consistently ruined any live version of this song for decades, with this silly affectation.

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Hard to go past the already mentioned Lou Reeds Rock & Roll Animal, seen him a lot live and this performance imo gives the what he’s like in form. Sadly the part 2 of the same gig never sounds as good, it’s a pity it’s not been remixed and released as a 2LP set which is what it deserves.

Most disappointing live album Bowie’s Stage, flat and imo boring and I’m a huge fan. Did see this tour and can’t remember it sounding so dull.


I have this on vinyl and always loved Five Years and Hero’s. Must give it a spin and hear how it sounds.

Yes it’s an odd record of a great tour. It’s obvious it’s in the mix (or at least technically). I bought it hi res thinking they may have fixed it but I still think it sounds flat and unappealing.

I’m at Miss Mikes Hip-Hop class :flushed:, will check it out later. I actually found a lot of old live LPs to catch up with when I cleaned all my old records over the last few weeks.


Hope you’re not embarrassing her with your dad moves. :grin:


Surprised I didn’t see these in the list… if I missed them I’m sorry.

These has got to be two of the best live albums of at time… the chemistry between Cash and the inmates is a real treat to listen to…



The Folsom Prison album to me is the best, and contains the haunting experience of Cash singing the Folsom Prison Blues, when he sings the line “ But I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die “, the audience of inmates including murderers and those I believe on death row, erupts into cheers and cat call whistles…. disturbing.


The best live track of all time for me is on this Sandy Denny album

And it’s the opening song, "The North Star Grassman and the Ravens, again a fantastic intimate vibe between Sandy and the audience, and how she switches the mood from self deprecating contemporary, to soaring into the haunting and evocative song of The North Star Grassman… you could hear a penny drop… and her voice (on a good system) makes your hairs tingle on the back of your neck.


Agreed… they’re certainly in my collection. Also his rendition of San Quentin… Just so powerful and moving.


I had a listen. I thought the sound quality itself was pretty good. The way it’s recorded means you hardly hear the audience, and the LP at least has the messed up track listing, so it does lack the engagement of a life recording.

Might give it another listen at volume tomorrow, tbh I haven’t heard it properly for ages. Cheers.

Welcome to the Blackout is the one to get for his ‘78 tour. A stunning performance and my favourite live album from the man.
Just wishing they’d release the full concert on bluray.


Keep seeing that I’ll give a listen when I get my NDX2 back from the hospital.




I saw the Living Ornaments '79 tour live in Berlin in 1980. It was mind blowing, second to none. An experience I’ll never forget. The visual effects were simply astonishing. And then the music! WOW!

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I’m envious…

I strongly suggest to get the 2CD-deluxe version of it because I think the March performance is superior. What a great band Queen was (I wish I went when they played live, R.I.P. Freddy).

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And of course my dear old friend Charlie Harper live '77:


Thank you for that one… (adds to increasing list!)

How many tracks are there on the version you’re recommending? I’m seeing different “deluxe” versions… thanks!