Your Watch & Naim

Well done, was it hard to size up, then get it aligned?

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Only when required.
Ooer :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Thanks! And yes there were a few problems that needed some ‘work arounds’ -

This particular ETA movement is a little smaller than the original but has the all important day/ date in the exact same place as the original movement, so I figured everything else was doable. I made up a copper ring with some small lugs soldered on that the new movement could be attached by, then epoxy glued the ring to the inside of the face.
Next problem was misalignment of the crown shaft to the movement, which needed another copper ring ‘spacer’ between the face outer surface and inner bezel surface to correct.
Finally the ETA drive shafts are slightly shorter than the original, so the minute and second hands had to be cranked slightly to clear the face markers. Enjoyed the process though!

Phew - hope you’re not sorry you asked now :blush:


Wow! Really well done. :+1:

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Not for the faint hearted or bad sighted, well done indeed. I think I may have just epoxied the whole movement in then prayed

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Talking of movements - and hats off to @Mr.Tibbs for managing to put an ETA into a quartz watch - I’ve had a few watches with exhibition case backs and it’s always interesting to look at them. The movement in my Jaeger LeCoultre is only 3mm thick and I find it incredible how it’s all fitted in. It’s very nicely finished, with lots of little details.

I wasn’t sure if it’s wise to obscure the serial number, but that’s why the smudge is there.


@angusnoir yes I’m sure you’re correct and that was the main reason.
High taxes may have also influenced his decision but I’ve never heard that before.

That’s good business. Must be a great product to sell that many of a watch at that price point.

Rolex is always in the very short top list of most valuable brands in the world.


I wonder what could I have done with an unobscured serial number… probably play the lottery with these numbers.


I only obscured it because that’s what I’ve seen others do. I assumed it was a way of avoiding someone taking the picture and using it for a fake sale or potential counterfeit. Your comment led me to investigate and the consensus seems to be that the chance of the number being misused is vanishingly small. The watch is registered to me and I have the paperwork so it’s probably just paranoia.

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The face of the watch is shown somewhere?

I’ve just bought this g-shock wall clock :sweat_smile:


Only to be installed in earthquake zones. :scream:



Love that older GMT @Toon lovely patina and good to read its back story. Proper Roller.


Or insurance fraud. “I lost my watch, don’t have the receipt but here is a photo I took of it showing the serial number”

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SLA 039


Got a new leather strap for my grand seiko winter, think it really transferred the watch


Now that look really really nice… a classic look with that strap and lifts it I think.:+1:

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