552 as Update over 52 with nap 135

Yes this would be nice, but I have no space to do so.

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Really interested as well, but deep in my hear I think the 135 will be hard to beat - we will see.

Remember that unplugging and plugging in the cables improves the sound!!

Really looking forward to 300dr.
Currently with diamond Ethernet it is really good.
A lot of 300dr on the market. Got it for for a really good price.
Prices for 300 are down as they are for the ndx2


I think it will unify your set up with all classic boxes, slight increase in power and the DR factor. I look forward to your feedback.

Tested diamond vs vodka today.
It is completely as you guys and everyone else described!
Vodka is:

  • more in the face (which is sometimes really cool)
  • more Edgy and rough (more olive?) also not bad in all times
  • more punchy!

Diamond is:

  • more relaxed
  • more nuanced and (micro)detailed
  • smoother sounding but still with prat
  • overall more involving

Like the vodka hammering the sound but in direct comparison the diamond is more grown up - for now :rofl:

Will definitely not sell vodka - excellent cable.
Good to have both


Point given - that’s the reason I went for it.
You know the 135 - they can punch - being a bit rough.
Same factor as:

  • HDX vs melco (HDX is a hidden olive one :smiling_face:) hdx is more rough - melco refined
  • 52 vs 552 (ok - here 552 has both - punch and all other)
  • vodka vs diamond (see above)
  • superline vs prefix (superline refined…)

With SBL vs 606 is was other way round. 606 is more rough.

A bit Rough must stay.

And nap500… let me guess … is both :rofl:


500DR is an amazing amp. More grip on speakers. And makes everything sound better. I love it. :heart:


Here here! I love this. Sums up my kit. “A bit rough” could do better. A 552/500 combo would be more refined. Totally agree but I like my bit of rough and although I would no doubt thoroughly enjoy the more refined sound at a price I have no doubt I will stick with what I have now.

Of course if I win the lottery or inherit……….:blush:

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A bit rough stays!
With 552 it does definitely - it has both the rough and funky and the refinement part.
I think 500 will have too.
But nevertheless it is a different game with classic than with olive.
For me it an apadtion period with all the clarity and resolution to be present at once

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Have you slotted in the 300DR yet?

It will arrive end of the week

552 and 500 doing the jazz schwing today :man_dancing::dancer: What a terrific combo :raised_hands:


Stop it :rofl:

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Look what my 552 is doing in the evening light …
Attention on the buttons light up - look familiar? :grinning: @Blackbird


Close! But I use CD in and you Tuner :wink:

Damn … do I - yes I do… cd for turntable and tuner for cd… :rofl:
Felt it being the same till you replied … getting old

One day!!!

I did my light too…is it a movement of some kind…who knows


Sounds better when the record section is muted.

Really? I have to try that some day.