552DR/300DR incoming…

I’m currently using US directly into NDAC system via SPDIF (mainly to save carting CDs from one room to the other and having them scattered everywhere :-)) … but will soon be running ethernet to main system in a different room … so it’s nice to think it’s going to deliver equivalent quality there.


The whole Tidal versus Local Streaming issue is awaiting me down the line :slight_smile:

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… also versus of course … playing the discs on a transport into NDS in main system. This hobby never stops giving.


Thanks sweetie. It’s actually the NAP300 I have below the NDX2, with the 3 power supplies below the NAP300. I’ve read a lot about the 552 being best away from the NDX2 and liking lots of air around it, hence the set up I’ve used. Separate racks aren’t planned for the foreseeable future whilst I’m still using the room as my office. I could possibly use a full Fraim level for the NDX2, and then put the spare Fraim level on top for the turntable. Something to think about.

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I remember you saying this. I tried my RCA cable with a BNC/RCA adapter and didn’t hear a difference, but I’m keen to try a proper fitted BCA - BCA connection. The odd thing is that hi-res music from the bluray seems a bit better than streaming from the Core, so I’m keen to compare with the right BNC cable on the Core. I’m getting a Supra Trico made to order from Sweden using the local dealer here in Northland, it’s pretty reasonable for a trial at $200.

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I tried my old CD player into my NDS. Loved it, so much I started buying albums in CD. Then decided I had to make the break and reluctantly packed the CD players and discs back in the garage. Didn’t really have the room :slightly_frowning_face:

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I think my transport to the NDX2 is marginally better than the rip via the core. But it is very marginal and I not sure if it’s worth the effort. Think I’ve said it before I’m a set it and forget it type of guy and really don’t have the patience or time to be fiddling with my stuff all the time I’d rather listen to music.


Do you think there is any way you could have two proper stacks side by side brain and brawn?. To me, you have a top notch system but a highly compromised and awkward set up. Would look and sound better if arranged differently.

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Yes, by removing some furniture, but that’s currently domestically challenging. I do think the set up is pretty good now for the 552, but I could be wrong, and it’s certainly something to think about.

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Yes sweetie, but even if the 300 dr is under the Ndx2, the ps are still on the same rack . The best is to have all ps in a different rack than the sources and pre. But I understand it’s your office. We have all to make compromises.

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Are you getting a commission from Naim for selling Fraims. :rofl::rofl:

Not all of us (a) have the space for 2 racks or (b) have the funds for the second.


Well, the good news is that I have everything I need to do 2 racks, each 3 levels high. Apart from the awkward colour miss-mash on the bases and hieghts not aligned.

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I new there was a risk posting that photo :flushed:


Yes, I get thst. Looking at my lounge main system and future plans for re jigging things. Things get added on and rather than redesigning you end up adding on and compromising. Sometimes better to start again from scratch.

Main thing is does it sound amazing? Or are you not sure yet?

I would hold on to that wonderful beach pic of you and Miss Mike………the colours will darken and be like new windows……look amazing, but thereafter, you just look thru them👍

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Ah well if you lead with your chin, good thing is you’ll get lots of opinions which I find leads to lots of confusion and doubt.

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I’m under a “no more spending on hi-fi” moratorium :eyes:. But the good news is that the 262/SC has found a new home for another Naim fan, so I’m delighted with that.


It does sound amazing now that I added the base to the 552. Now, theoretically, I could turn the crezenda 90 degrees to be alongside the side wall, and have two racks. But the left side door won’t then open fully (it’s a double door though, can reach through) - I need to think about that as a possible compromise. More Fraim is out of the question domestically.

I have a Fraimlite, with cerapucks, and a Target rack under cerapucks. 555 dr in the Target rack, Nds, pre and 250 dr on Fraimlite.