Are you "All White"?

I vaguely remember my dealer once mentioned that Naim will make some optional kits/parts to change the green light into white just like the NCs. Is this the one? Guess I’d better call my dealer quick🤔

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…all green and will be staying that way!

The plan was to have a system put together when I retired since discretionary spending would be curtailed.

That could change if I could hit the lottery but then I would have to buy at ticket…

Life is Sweet!


I’m rather astonished that in this day and age we can’t have a logo that can actually change colours at the press of a button, a bit like Christmas tree lights :rofl:


Changing the 500 light to white seems a bit naff, especially as it will now most likely be used with other 500 products with green lights. It feels like marketing over what people might actually want. Heavens above, imagine the complexity of having a light that can be selected as being green or white in 2023….


Naim could easily have done that, or have given options between fixed white or green.
The marketing people have made a clear choice for us, setting the new direction. White only, green or even red is the old stuff.


OMG! Yes I hadn’t considered that, how stupid of me! I hope some magazine hack carries out that test soon so we don’t waste our money, maybe we’ll have to buy a white and a green set just in case!!

Nothing new here. Once upon a time, 40 years ago, Naim had red LEDs then changed to green. However, some still wanted red to match their older gear, others wanted to change all their LEDs to green, and others didn’t care one way or the other…


Are they actually green LEDs shining through clear plastic or is it a bog standard white LED shining through green plastic on the logo?
If it’s the latter then it’s only a chance of plastic insert presumably if one has a preference.


Maybe Naim should offer any colour of LED you like. Could be a nice little earner, charge £100 a box for changing it via a firmware update and £200 plus carriage for boxes where it needs to be physically replaced.

BTW I will be expecting 10% of the fee if Naim introduces this at any point in the future.


When I bought my first Naim in 1983, the 42 and Snaps had red LEDs, while that on the 110 was green. I seem to remember that when the 42 was upgraded to 42.5, the LED was swapped to green, but that the Hicap that replaced the Snaps was still red. It didn’t bother me in the slightest.

It’s worth noting that the 500 series can still be green if people opt for that, enabling them to be matched with existing components. White isn’t being forced on people.


Hopefully Naim will have enough replacement green logos for the existing kit. I seem to recall when my CD5i had it’s mech renewed Naim also replaced its logo. I wasn’t even aware there was anything wrong with old one.

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My original design intention was that the logo should always be white on black. Indeed, on every brochure, product manual and other printed item I created, I never used green in the logo at all.

It was Paul / Julian who decided to make it green when it first appeared here below. I guess that this was a nod to the green power button on the chrome amplifiers, and subsequently it was followed through to the Original Classic range.


The green in the OC is from a period when we had the CD players and other such with tiny green funny leaking screens. They looked awesome at the time. Then the green leaky screens got slightly bigger. With the advent of the super bright colour screens and displays the OC green logo had started looking ancient and sad to me for quite some time tbh. So I think Naim have made the right decision with changing it and the colour to white as well.

The logo design, the overall design and the green in the Olive is … something else! I think it will come back some day - at least the design!

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……while generating a load of sound degrading electrical interference, a bit like Christmas tree lights!


I love the green logotype and prefer it over the white.


REL sub ?

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Old auralic aries?

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Green is a very restfull colour…

White rather harsh (compared to green)…

Blue…, well blue leds (and spot lights) should be banned as it is most damaging…everywhere including Christmas Lights…

Red…the sign of danger, though I observe the red on Rega is rather soft, and not in your face!

I have painted over the blue leds on my keyboard (num lock always on, and caps lock sometimes, scroll never) with black paint.

My HiCAP has a red led and the NAC 62 and NAP 140 have green leds, no worries as no blue. The red led is quite dim, much like the owner!

Picture may follow (all I have is one including a NAT 02 (green) which I have sold).


Well that eliminates most music😳


Blue…not Blues…

…unless I am missing something…

Dim as the red led on the HiCAP…

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