Download now available for Naim Streamers

Sound advice @frenchrooster and @Alley_Cat - thank you!

Your system is similar to mine except I dont have the npx 300, I just have 222/250. Who knows if that accounts for the difference we are both experiencing. Could be any number of variables including our hearing.

Have you actually noticed an increase in HF sharpness?

I have noticed more fine detail, clarity and air, but no HF sharpness.

BTW, I auditioned the NC222/250 with and without the 300 on a couple of occasions and was struck by the positive difference the addition of the 300 made to SQ.


Thanks for clarifying, Nigel.

Fully agree, I love what they achieved sonically with this update.

Also think there are very good reasons for the uplift indeed.

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Anyone else having a problem with the Tidal app losing connection with the Mu-so 2? The music continues to play, but everything stops on the phone and I can no longer control the player. Sometimes I can then find the Mu-so 2 again and it will reconnect for me, but many times I have to turn it off and start over. Extremely annoying!

The problem existed even before the update.

I’m not loving the new firmware on my ND555 (2x555ps). The sound leans more “hifi”, less music. There is more depth and air, but at the expense of a natural musical presentation. And yes, it is more bright in the treble, something I don’t need with ProAc ribbon tweeters as they were perfect sounding (before).

Can I downgrade to the previous build?


I’m not sure what is worst. Naim not knowing they changed the sound or Naim knowing they changed the sound. For what it’s worth both me and @Lucifer couldn’t hear any changes in sound performance in our Lindemann Bridge II which use Streaming unlimited platform as naim and which also got the major SDK kit upgrade to support Tidal max earlier this summer.

Hi Chris,

My experience is the same as yours. There is definitely something lacking in the sound. Although it is more ‘involving’ and grabs your attention, it is also less ‘involving’ in the sense that it doesn’t draw me into the music and make me feel lost in it. There isn’t the same emotional connection. Hard to describe, perhaps it sounds more ‘digital’ and less organic/real.

In terms of reverting back to the previous firmware, I believe this is possible (thank God!!!) as confirmed by Stevesky - as below:

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Interesting that no changes were made to the DSP code, and yet it sounds very different.

I know. Bizarre :person_shrugging:t3:

Same here - there is a „unhappy“ thread

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What is written sounds as I remember the difference between NDX2 and NDS. Where I went with NDS. More organic and analogue, less HIFI and digital.

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This will be an issue with your network. Maybe the wifi is too weak to keep a solid connection.

Is there an update for the nss333 have been away for a trip and expected to update when I returned but says it’s up to date :flushed:

There is. Try doing a check for updates using the App.

Is that just tap reset app ?

No. Go into system settings and tap check for updates.

Yes that’s what I did and it says firmware is up to date, confused as expected to be able to update