Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

And Stephen dancing with antennas on his head.


I know - but I’m not!

It is a real pity that so few people seem to blind test, as that removes any risk of autosuggestion from the equation, and so we can really learn what cables make a positive difference on what systems. Yes there is sometimes consensus, but that is not definitive, and oddly sometimes people change their minds over time - and I don’t think our oscillating companion Stephen Tate is alone…

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Think you guys might need some sleep, although it is rather entertaining.:rofl:

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Who says :scream:


Are you HAL ? ( see 2001 space odyssey)

Actually if he’s any good he will tell you the minimum temperature the meat must reach for food safety, and that you cannot do it by time because different ovens and different pieces of meat respond differently. He will also tell you that apart from that it is a matter of taste. And indeed will also say that the minimum temperature is irrelevant if it is a meat like beef that is not prone to parasites and food poisoning bacteria like salmonella is not endemic, and you have good reason from the source of the meat to have high confidence that it has not become contaminated, so you can eat it raw if that is your taste.

Just to be clear, my SUCCA group is completely legit, and not to be confused with a rather salacious organisation bearing a similar acronym.

Now, time for bed before Pedar stops us playing.

Nighty, night all.


Time to sleep guys!


:small_blue_diamond:You’re the one who’s doing this nonsense,.but you don’t seem to understand it yourself.
I’ve had the same discussion as this,.several times with you in this thread.

But I as OP am very grateful,.that you have stopped with your…
• “Fully qualified”
• “Fully certified”
• “Fluke-tested-trolling”
Which you were doing in 70% of your posts.
This was the case from your post No13,.to almost post No 4400.

And you’ve written 262 posts,.it’s a lot if you think about what @frenchrooster asked you,see below…

:black_small_square:Wrong, Wrong, Wrong,.but if anyone questions my experiences,or my knowledge,or my advice.

Well,.then the least you can demand is,that that person has tested himself what he is talking about,.just as @frenchrooster says below…

:small_orange_diamond:Just as with the example of Linn’s internal-cables.
There you question me,.Linn’s designated best retailer Karl and other Linn retailers world wide.

This just shows,.that you haven’t tested,and have no idea what you’re talking about.
Because if you had tested,.you’d have heard the difference right away.

And then you also,.against better knowing,repeatedly repeat that I,.and all the Linn-retailers are wrong.
This without reporting,.how you tested and come to that view.
Instead you just write…
• “Wrong again”
• “Wrong again”

Then you shouldn’t be surprised if irritation occurs.
I’m very surprised you don’t understand this.



:small_blue_diamond:@frenchrooster,…Is this @Stephen_Tate with its new wireless-solution :rofl::sweat_smile: :rofl:

:small_blue_diamond:No problem @Nigelb,.it’s fun with a little humor at night.

See you all tomorrow…


If Morecombe and Wise were alive they would make a great comedy sketch out of this thread.



If Sigmund Freud were alive, this thread would provide a lifetime of material for new research


As an aside, the expression ‘Wired Ethernet’ in that list is a tautology.


Only if there is a difference to be heard. As I’ve pointed out, also many times, any effect, and its magnitude (and hence degree of audibility) likely will depend hugely on the specific streamer or renderer/DAC, and on the electrical environment in which the network sits, and indeed possibly remainder of the network that is connected. So it is perfectly possible for one person to hear an effect, and not another. It is also possible that the effects of different cables may vary with different stramers and renderers/DACs.

Some electronics - and the Chord Dave is one - have been designed with one focus on preventing RF having an audible effect - and with the MScalar in between the network and Dave there is a further level of filtering.

Hmm yes… like how big my switch is or how expensive my cable is…


Perhaps many of you should just do more of this…


Please, please can we stop telling people what to do!

If you want to listen to music, fine. If you want to tinker, fiddle and tweak, also fine!

This thread is specifically about fiddling and experimenting with ethernet cables and switches, but people still seem incredulous that posts on this thread are about….err……fiddling and experimenting with ethernet cables and switches! If that does not interest you, or you think it is barmy, why not read another thread, there are plenty in this place!

D’oh, I believe I have just told people what to do!


Exactly Nigel - it would also spoil what is the most amusingly bonkers thread on the forum. So many twists and turns, language misunderstandings and random thread drifts make it a compelling daily read. Keep it up folks.

I’m off to listen to some music whilst i catch up with the latest musings… :grinning:


Not that night - I was playing music very late into night rather than more important HiFi tweaking duties! :cold_sweat: :bear: