Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

thanks for clarifying. However i was not far…
I know you have a second cisco 2960 now, which you seem to like.
I know that melco recommends the connection of the streamer directly in the melco switch. However i tried to compare melco and nds to cisco vs melco to cisco and nds to melco. I was very similar to my ears.
Perhaps could you try , by curiosity, how the nd555 can sound if connected to the cisco?

Read my post earlier comparing about 7 cables.

I scrolled back 7 or 8 days but didn’t come across it but if you used real music for your assessments than well done! There’s been all too much meaningless spec-tech and far too little informed discussion.


Yes, tests done with a range of real music.


we are waiting now HH feedback for vodka vs BJ.

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Nigel good luck, yes very short Ethernet lengths are not always great in our space… and early on with twisted pair it was sometimes recommended not to go below 1 metre for any application, but technology has improved and technically you can use any length… and with fast Ethernet (where just two twisted pairs are used) and with longer leads having a higher resistance, the switching voltage EM disturbances in the host will be reduced. After all the voltage levels at 100 Mbps are designed to support a length of 100 metres.
A longer lead could well provide a softer presentation, which can be a sign of a lower noise floor in the receiving host… but of course that might not always be wanted!
However there is not likely to be much difference between 2 and 10 metres, but 20 metres and above might start to yield a benefit… this would occur for example where the streamer connects to an infrastructure port. You could use your expensive lead to connect to the wall socket and then Cat5e or Cat 6 to connect from there back to your switch.
The Ethernet standards advise of warnings with the effect of far end cross talk with short leads… typically the advice is to use 1 to 1.5m minimum between infrastructure and host… infrastructure connections can be shorter.


Thanks Dave for laying down the law on the type of posts that you approve of!
I hope everyone bucks up now the high standards of informed discussion that you require. :grinning:


:small_blue_diamond:@Dave,…I Agree, I Agree, I Agree :grin::joy::grin:.
Just joking a little…

But Xanthe’s test only goes up to a price-level of £90:-.
If we complement with…

@Darkebear with AQ Cinnamon and AQ Vodka.
@BertBird with AQ Diamond and Chord Music.
@Nick.Lees with Blue Jeans Cable, Chord Indigo TA and Chord Music.
@frenchrooster with AQ Vodka and AQ Diamond.
@anon35279323 with Vertere.
@NigelB with AQ Vodka.
@anon4489532 with various Blue Jeans Cable and AQ Vodka.
• And me,.with the difference between AQ Diamond 0,75m and 1,5m.

Then we have a more representative list of cables from different price-segments.
Excuse me if I forgot someone.

Dave,.I’ve have also written it before,.about this spec-tech,who maybe hears more at home on the construction-table.
It is interesting,.but it risks taking over threads.

In this thread it feels like spec-tech has dominated,.therefore it feels liberating to read reviews based on music.
As @Nick.Lees and @Darkebear most recently.

For those,.who do not have the technical knowledge,.may not dare to argue for their experience with a specific cable in this case.

• Electrical noise.
• Digital noise.
• Noise floor.
And other spec-tech etc,etc,etc…is irrelevant.

:small_orange_diamond:Plug in your ethernet/streaming cable and listen.
• Better - Worse,.As Simply As That…Just Listen.

Harder it is not,.despite all the spec-tech,this is the only thing we consumers need to do.
I myself,.becomes quite often ironized and arrogant treated by some spec-tech members.
But I don’t care,.for I am confident in myself,and my experience and knowledge.

Everything is needed,.but in equal proportions. And that one doesn’t try to ironize anyone with spec-tech talk.

Back to the music…
/Peder :slightly_smiling_face:

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Somebody with the same name has a few Audioquest cables on poisson rose. Probably just coincidence.

I’m not sure what you’re saying here but how else would people compare cables? It seems like listening to music is the only way.

To expand on my comments, the BJC Cat6 1.5M has really run in nicely. I hadn’t realized until now that I wasn’t very thrilled with the Ovator 400 I added to my system (SU/QNAP) this summer. They sounded good from an analytical standpoint and I wasn’t hating them or anything but now with the BJC I’m hearing things I didn’t hear before, the bass has really opened up and sounds more realistic and textured and the overal presentation is not as bright and harsh as it was with the Cinnamon 1.5M . The music is much more enjoyable at higher volumes and not fatiguing. I’m glad I ran this experiment and at this point I have no intention of putting the Cinnamon back in the system. They’re going in the spare cable box now.


This chimes pretty much with my move from Cinnamon to BJC 6a.



Quite right. :grin:

I think you miss the point, at £90 plus it is grouped as one price bracket… ie extravagant audiophilIa … one of the points of this was to demonstrate great SQ from regular certified Ethernet patch leads is achievable from regular cheap, middle and expensive certified Ethernet cables… rather than differentiating amongst extravagant streaming cables which probably has little to do with Ethernet leads themselves.


I’m going to try wireless.


Funny, I don’t find the Cinnamon bright or harsh at all, quite the opposite in fact, which is why I upgraded to the Vodka instead.

sorry, didn’t understood. Is there some literature reference

Also I have
Chord Sarum Tuned Array Streaming (switch to NAS)
Chord Anthem Streaming (switch to UltraRendu running SonoreUPnP bridge)
AQ Vodka x 2 (wall to switch, switch to RPi for Asset UPnP server)
AQ Cinnamon x2 (switch to AppleTV, ROCK server, these are being reused)

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I didn’t realize how bad it was until i got the BJC. I wasn’t expecting such a ground breaking change and it sort of sneaked up on me. The realization occurred when I found myself plowing through my playlists to listen to familiar songs so I could hear them in their new and more exciting presentation. Much like I do when I upgrade a box.


Poissonrosemédias in English is an audio site, I’ll leave it at that as I don’t want to contravene the AUP.


@Mike_S Good Idea! My fault but I didn’t realize that the Naim Streamers all have WiFi I’m surprised after reading the recent Stereophille review of the NDX2 the reviewer Art Dudley heard no difference when he compared WiFi to Ethernet cable. I’m surprised more folks here don’t compare their wired setup to wireless…

FWIW if anyone cares Belden’s Best Ethernet cable is their GX10 series Cat 6a… All of the Blue Jeans Cables are Belden… I’m not sure their Cat6a is GX10. Belden considers this the Gold Standard of network cables… Some interesting Utube videos about it.

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