NAC 282 Slightly overwhelmed

since I own a 282 powered by an HCDR and I really was “astonished” the first time I feed it into my SN2 as power amp (just for a while, then I got a 250DR…), I’m wondering at this point if it would be better to add a second HCDR or switch to a SupercapDR.


There are people who prefer one HC, others prefer two, yet others prefer the SC. I’m afraid nobody can tell you what you prefer


Agreed. This is a choice only one’s ears and preference can make.
Me, I’ll take a Supercap all day long.

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One Hicap (1xHC) provides two secondary 24V rails. Two Hicaps (2xHC) provide four secondary 24V rails. So if one subscribes to the Naim philosophy of “the more secondary rails, the better the sound”, then 2xHC is a no-brainer (other opinions are available :grinning:)

Changing from 2xHC to a Supercap, will not add any more secondary 24V rails. It then comes down to “try it and see”.


At the risk of sounding stupid…

From your description I take it the 282 needs two 24V rails (1xHC) to work. How are the ‘extra’ two 24V rails from a 2nd HC or SC used?

Have a look here. The 282 can work from just one 24v rail with both link plugs in (so it can be powered from a NAP200). The NAPSC is still used for all combinations.


Ah yes, I always forget about the “OR, one rail from a suitably equipped power amp”.

I’ve only ever used NAP250s

For a NAC82, I believe it’s sommat like this:

If a Supercap is used, the secondary rails routing within the NAC82 is the same as for 2xHC.

If I read correctly the bit to which James has referred, then the 282 is wired in a similar fashion to the 82 (if someone would like to donate me a 282, I’d be happy to take a look :laughing: ).

The way the link plugs are used is quite clever (other opinions such as “too d@mn complicated, why can’t they just build in a proper PSU” are available.)


Thank you!
No doubt this is a beaten path and OT but I guess two HCs should be extremely close in spec/age etc? Besides the fact that they’ll be powered from different mains sockets too. :thinking:

In my manual, the option of using 2 HCs is not shown or mentioned. One HC or one SC, plus the option of a suitable power amp.

Yes, it’s not in the usual manual. You’ll find it in the

Amplifier Connection Guide


The supercap will be better and at least a stepping stone for 252 if you want in the further. I had 282 and upgraded to 252 but both preamp are excellent i would say the 282 is more forward especially the vocals.

The ND5XS2 is a brilliant source and not harsh sounding in my ears. Give the 282 some hours and don’t rush out and buy the most expensive Naim source you can get. Maybe other things in your setup needs to get adjusted. I’ve heard a ND555 with an ND555PS and my ears were bleeding when volume was cranked up. Very revealing.


ok, clear, as somebody else stated: “try and see”! :wink:


As one HC powers the left channel, and the other powers the right channel, then that would make sense.


There was a discussion quite some time ago when I thought something was referenced indicating it was not quite as simple as L/R circuitry. May be wrong.

Now that you mention it…….was it something along the lines that the output stage was powered from the other Hicap? It’s been some time since I ran my 82 from 2xHC, and my memory ain’t wot it used to be.

But the FAQ seems clear. :man_shrugging:

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The NAC 82 is 30 years old. Over the years, many things have been written on this forum whether a supercap is better than 2 hicaps.

From what I remember reading, a Supercap is better because it has a better transformer and a more stringent selection of other parts.

Don’t know if it’s right but considering the price of a Supercap that must be true.

I cannot help but feel like the gist of this thread is that the OP bought an expensive piece of equipment; didn’t get the expected result on day one; and half the responses are suggesting to throw even more (a lot more) money at the problem before doing anything else.

Scratching head here.