Naim Olive

Best ask your dealer whether they have anything or else keep an eye out on the usual places; eBay etc.

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With the arrival of the Nait 50 in the old case design could there be an opportunity for Naim to slightly extend the case production run and restock/take orders for some of the CB and Olive sleeves? I’m sure there’s quite a few who would like the opportunity to freshen up an older one that may have picked up some wear and tear over the years


Hi @Rob.Steele

As Richard suggests online auction / sales are probably your best bet to buy a printed copy. I used to give the odd one away from my print archive if asked, but I’ve got to the point where that isn’t an option bearing in mind how many / few copies I have left of some of them.

However, as you could see in the photo, I have way more here at home than naim do themselves!



Maybe. I don’t know whether they are exactly the same though.

Hey @GeoffC
Love your new profile icon :+1:


I just read the NAIT 2 article that @Adam.Meredith posted in the NAIT 50 thread

I don’t think I realised that the NAIT 2 had an optional DIN socket to enable it to act as a preamp before!

I did know the NAIT 3 had this, from my own ownership. That implementation looked very deliberate, having separate pre and power boards in the same case and joined by link wires that are cut if you wish to configure the amp that way. But the images I can find online of the NAIT 2 configured like this look a lot less neat/considered. Anyone know any history of that NAIT 2 option?

I have had Furutech DPS4.1 limited edition power cables built for my NAP 135 monoblocks. I’m using AMR gold fuses 13A.

It’s been plugged in for a few days now and the results are very impressive. The sound has more body and weight and the amps are now glowing in the midrange. A very musical sound. The music flows better. More musical information and a lot more intelligible. The treble is oh so sweet as well. A very enjoyable listen right now and I’m expecting further improvement as the cables burn in. Prior to this I had the Naim Powerline lite cables.



Forum question: if power were not an issue and solely basic on sound quality, what would you choose: 140, 180, or 250?


Depends on speakers and room.

I run a 140 in a small room. The 250 isn’t needed unless I run the Kans in that room when I then need the 250DR.

On the other hand the 140 will never fill my main room with an acceptable sound.

Which one if room is not an issue? I am looking for opinions on sound only. Assume all conditions are perfect.

I do realize there is no right answer.

Always for me the best has been the newest and highest level. So here it would be the 250.

However the real question is always is it needed or is it being wasted in the current use.

Main reason I am asking is trying to decide on 140 or 250. I have a 180. Looking for something different and better. Either 140 or 250 are plenty sufficient to drive my speakers.

That is going to be a personal choice. Can you try each, or if cheap enough, can you buy one try it, and then sell it on if not what you like.


‘Personal choice’ is surely right. Mind you, I’d take a (serviced) olive 250 over any Naim amp below a 300DR in just about any room with just about any speakers.

My preferring Hendrix and Joni Mitchell to Justin Bieber and Miles Cyrus is also ‘ personal choice’ too of course.


Musically, I prefer unregulated so olive 140 or 180. Sonically, the regulated olive 250 offers better Hi-Fi and more control/grunt, but I enjoy music more with the other amps so that’s always my preference and find speakers they can drive in the room. But I’m in the minority so recommend you try both types.

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Do you get more grunt from a 140 than, say, a Nait 2 or Nait 3 but still keep some of the Nait type of sound?

I love the Naits but looking for a partner for a very nice 72/Hicap here.

Yes. The Nait 2 is the weakling of the range as you might expect. It is an impressive little box with a sound beyond its size and is a design classic imo.
It is not a separate in the way a 140/62 is. Adding a hicap or going to a 32.5 or 72 lifts it higher again in sq as you might expect.

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I would start with 72/Hi/140 and then see if you can compare to a Nait or Nait 2. They are quite different and yet quite similar :slight_smile:

Quite fancy another 72/Hi/140 myself :smiley:


The big benefit of a 72/hi/140 is that you can turn up the volume and still get the refinement and control. A Nait 2 is fine on lower volumes too. Easy loudspeakers: go for Nait. More punch: go for separates.