New service and repair costs?

Its in for a service, that is to replace a list of established items that go out of spec over time. Naim say the dull Naim logo will be included & depending on what they find, the slower than normal power up.
I will list out all I get to know about what gets done
Bad news is its going to take a lot longer than I was expecting, dealer says expect around 8 weeks.

Update is no news. It’s been 4 weeks.

The good news is the Naim-2 is a fun little amp considering it’s size & low power, its resolving a lot of detail & most surprising it makes the bass grunt & growl from my 3 way speakers.

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the wait continues…my UQ1 is also out for service and it’s been 6 weeks…

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My Uniti-1 is being returned this week from Naim after 8 weeks out for repair. They are unable to repair as they have no replacement streaming boards - so it is now a brick to be disposed of. I’ll try selling on a marketplace for spares/parts.

Oh gosh, that’s a real shame.

Surprised it was even accepted for service if no parts were available unless the fault required some on-site detective work. I hope there was no charge.

On the face of it this would seem to be something increasingly likely to happen with streaming hardware in years to come, and something already seen with many CD players.

I guess Naim can only afford to store so many spares at the time equipment is ‘current’, and after that stocks will deplete.

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Couldn’t you use it, or sell it as amp/radio ?

That is bad news, sorry to hear it. I’ve not seen if this is likely a permanent state of affairs, if so that’s a bit of a knock to the reputation (or maybe just my assumption) that most Naim boxes can still be serviced. I know about the situation with CD mechanisms, but streaming boards might need adding to that list.

It was accepted for repair by Naim as the OLED screen (replaceable) was dead but there turned out to be a secondary fault when investigated on the repair desk that now stops it booting correctly and this is not repairable.

Not all versions of the original OLED screens are replaceable by Naim it seems - it depends upon the streamer board version as to whether Naim still have available OLED stock.

I think that NAIM will become unable to repair/service the digital electronics components faster than their ability to maintain the discreet analogue components. Especially with the more integrated devices and all-in-ones, the longevity of your investment in these devices will be less versus separates boxes. Nothing new there really. It is the same with all modern electronics. I don’t blame Naim in this - they are better than most manufacturers in this regard.

Back to separates for me I think. The Uniti was a good introduction to Naim and it gave good service for many years.


Oops I forgot to post my service news on this thread, I posted it on another.

26 August
My Supernait is back in its home.
SQ has improved, more top end than before & a more distinct sound stage, but after a month away & listening to the Nait-2, memory & expectations stuff, its hard to say for sure other than the obvious.
So nice to have the flexibility of system auto, flipping between sources & web-radio stations with the remote.
The NAS will be working overtime tonight.

You asked about what was done, it was returned with a job sheet, but it doesn’t include much detail …
Reported faults – Logo dull, slow Start Up
Faults confirmed – Logo bleed & failing BO cap
Replaced reservoir caps, BO cap, fitted jitter mod & updated to 01-04/01.03
Test OK - GS

Cost was £399 + £20 P&P

PS - there are 11 power supply caps, looks like x4 big ones for the main 2 channel double pair transformer/rectifier, not sure about the other x7.


Interesting Mike, i think thats a pretty good outcome and should be good for years to come👍


Thanks for the update Mike-B. I’ve my SN1 also waiting here, I should really get it serviced since its not used at the moment.


Have a Naim Uniti2 where the display has faded.
The difficulty for me is that it’s a 80 mile plus round trip to the nearest dealer. For me, it’s a policy that doesn’t care about the environmental impact.

In fact, one Naim dealer near Manchester refused to accept the function of arranging a repair for me, when I was visiting family. Told me to take it back to Cardiff, where I bought it from. I live in Lincolnshire, 200 plus miles each way.

If the unit needs to go by courier, then why on earth can I not send it directly to Naim, having got an agreed date to send it to fit in with their work schedule. Pay them direct.


You should name that dealer as they are well out of order and probably shouldn’t be a Naim dealer anymore.


I wouldn’t be surprised if that Naim dealer near Manchester was a very “prominent” one…

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The dealer’s rationale was that he didn’t want to be the holding centre for faulty Naim products until given permission by Naim to send units to them. In a way understandable. It was at a time when Naim wouldn’t give him permission to send it in claiming they hadn’t got components so after several weeks waiting on Naim I was asked to collect my unit, so a third visit to visit family and Naim agent. To be honest I don’t know who was really being honest, but the Naim repair process is, for me, very poor.
I still believe that Naim could readily adopt a process where owners could send their units directly to them. It’d demonstrate a commitment to the ‘green’ agenda and be more efficient for all concerned. Do they really care?
It’s a pity they didn’t design the unit with LCD display rather than LED.

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It used to be that you could send in directly, and for a small business this would probably still be possible, but as the business has grown IIRC there were issues with this so the policy of only through the dealer was introduced, which I’m told worked better.

There was indeed a time during the pandemic and for a while afterwards where certain components were in very short supply and Naim were unable to do certain repairs, servicing or upgrades on certain items at various times. Sometimes it could mean waiting months for only a limited supply of parts, so Naim would understandably stop taking in affected units during that time.

I think most dealers are requesting RMAs before accepting any kit so they don’t have to store it, so the “dealer” in question is either taking the proverbial or unaware this is possible. The kit can be requested when the RMA is getting close to the front of the queue.

Thankyou or your replies. Much appreciated and a lot of sense. I think I’ll end up taking the unit in to a Naim dealer in Nottingham. I prefer to drop it off, so that it’s not thrown about I.e. any physical damage is not down to me. Will probably take the train if the dealer’s not too far from the station, so if you see a guy carefully lumping a Naim Uniti2 in its original box across Nottingham you’ll know it’s me.

But seriously, I hope that Naim spot this conversation and reflect on their policy. Some of their dealers are not interested unless there’s likely to be a future sale!!

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You would be best advised to inform Naim of your experience by emailing Naim support on

Can I just offer a different experience. I let my dealer know I wanted four boxes serviced (252/SC/300) in early December for a new year slot. He organised everything, came to my home to pack it all up. Three weeks later it was back at the dealers and reinstalled within another week. Seamless and how I think the system should work. This is not to denigrate the experience of others, more to reflect on the quality of the dealer that you give your business to imho.