Problem concerning internet radio on Uniti Atom

Hi Merry Christmas
Since yesterday my Uniti Atom can’t find anymore internet radios and can’t even make the preselected ones work, except one ! I stopped everything, unplugged and reconnected the amplifier, the router, my phone … but at the end of the day the internet radio still doesn’t work except one station while the streaming on Qobuz platform works perfectly. I checked the quality of the internet network both WiFi and Ethernet. Everything is fine. The conclusion could be that the internet radio part of my Uniti Atom is down but why is there a radio station still working and not the others ? The weird thing is that this station doesn’t work when picked up from the preselected lists. I have to go in the general menu to get it. And this is the only one which works ! I probably should erase the current program and install it again. But I don’t know how to uninstall it …

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It’s down everywhere. I can’t get any radio stations on my NDX2 thinking there was a fault, but i have just turned on my ATOM HE and there’s nothing on that either. It’s been mentioned else where on this forum. Merry Christmas.

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Same as me in Switzerland no more internet radio
Merry Christmas

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Same thing here. Tidal, Spotify and my local server works just fine. No internet radio on my Atom.
merry Christmas indeed.

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Looks like radio is down, yes. Strangely, only on my QB2 the Naim radio station still works.

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The aggregator, VTuner, that Naim use went off-air last night, it’s been flagged to them. I suspect that the reason you can get Naim Radio @garcon is that Naim will provide that directly rather than through VTuner. Main thread here.

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yes, thanks, thought so and then was wondering why the Naim station would work on the QB2 and not on the 222 and HE earlier today but now it seems to work on all of them.
So, enjoying Naim radio!

When will this be solved?

Any reply out of naim?

My NDX2 doesn’t play internetradio :cry:

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