Qobuz not responding via Naim app

Thanks for the info, I’ve certainly paid but perhaps not signed in correctly, will have a look…

Using Qobuz in any other way there through the NAIM app works fine, but still the problem is at Qobuz? Seriously? Naim has great HiFi, but their app is one of the worst I have ever seen on my 35+ years in IT. Whole app development team should be fired and replaced. Not the HiFi team. Really regretting the money on spent on NDX2 and power, simply due to absolutely worthless app.

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You MUST be joking! Qobuz works in any way except when using the naim app to direct the NDX2 to get the data from Qobuz,
but “this problem lies outside the naim realm”?
The naim app is the worst piece of SW I have seen in my 35+ years in IT. On the one hand
it constantly crashes about twice an hour. On the other hand it is riddled with poor usability. Have your développer ever heard of use-cases? nd Are you for real reacting in this manner? Please get off your high horse, look at reality and take responsibility for the truly awfully quality of the naim app. Fire and replace the app and network development team. Get people that are as good as your hifi engineers. And start anew.

It’s just possible that the certificate is unique to the Naim /qobuz interface. Doing it that way would affect a single external interface (from qobuz’s perspective) rather than their entire service.

Hmm, just realized I told the “SW director” of naim to go fire himself. I stand by that idea. Given his attitude of “I am right, all the others are wrong” I don’t think he’ll do it. Hopefully he will consider why Qobuz works on all of his competition, and not on Naim? And I do want to reiterate that the Naim app on Android is the worst peace of SW around.

Same issue for me with my Uniti Nova since yersterday. I have reset the factory parameters, reinstalled the app on my iPad, but no change. Radio works well, local music on USB as well, and it is possible to chromecast Qobuz. But no possibility to use the naim App.

hello I have the same problem in Switzerland… Atom Tidal has also Problems…

I think this is normal. I had the same issue before Qobuz was embedded in the naim software (since then I do not cast anymore, I use the naim app). If you look at the chrome cast specifications (you can find this on internet), you will find that Chromecast does not support high resolution.

I think that in 2020, if you subscribe to a service like qobuz (which still has a fairly high cost), all this must not happen. it is more than in the day that qobuz does not work with the app. Naim. all of this is incredible. I could have known if the problem had been for a few hours, but not so. I’m curious to know if qobuz intends to extend the one-day passes for the disservice. I only subscribed to Qobuz because he became a native with the app. naim, otherwise I would have subscribed to tidal.

I posted earlier that it it also isn’t working with my AVM streamer as well as Naim. Which makes it pretty obvious that its an issue with Qobuz

yes, my complaint is in fact to qobuz

Agree. I have just emailed Qobuz support (in French, I am French), asking them to fix the issue immediately AND giving back some money. Waiting for their reply

great, let us know what they answer

I emailed them yesterday morning and sent a message on Facebook. They haven’t replied as of now

What I wrote (in French) to support-help@qobuz.com
Je vous informe que QOBUZ ne fonctionne plus avec l’application intégrée NAIM sur tous les produits NAIM, depuis hier.
Je vous invite à visiter le topic « Qobuz no responding via naim App » dans la naim communauty website Qobuz not responding via Naim app
Dans l’hypothèse où vous seriez à l’origine de ce dysfonctionnement, tous les utilisateurs de NAIM et QOBUZ vous expriment leur très grand mécontentement face à votre passivité (lisez les posts du website, qui ne vous font pas de publicité !) et apprécieraient un geste financier de votre part pour interruption de service de votre responsabilité.

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Qobuz is up, and provides a normal service. That is proven by the fact that the Qobuz app works, and that the Qobuz service is available to all but 2 clients. It’s just that naim (and one other client) cannot connect to it. I’m sure that Qobuz has changed something. The naim client sees that as an error, most clients apparently not. There an old joke: one ghost rider? Their all going the wrong way…

Not quite what Steve said. A certificate has expired, that does not mean Qobuz made a change, more that they forgot to renew the service. From the sound of it Naim and AVM follow the more secure approach of assuming an expired certificate means that the connection can’t be guaranteed to be to the right site, while others don’t.


Thanks Jerome,

I am also led to believe that this is normal.

I am sorry if I wasn’t clear.

English is my second (or fourth depending how one see’s it) language and sometimes I get it wrong.:grinning:

I can only repeat: The naim client sees the current situation as an error, most clients apparently not. There an old joke: one ghost rider? Their all going the wrong way…
And given the appauling quality of the naim app on Android, I have MUCH more confidence in Qobuz then in Naim, so guess where the fault lies in my view.

I can only suggest you reread Steve’s reply carefully regarding SSL and how it works

This is entirely a problem on the Qobuz server side and nothing to do with Naim

Naim are responding and assisting where possible over the weekend even though they are not a mission critical service … however Qobuz appear to be unreachable … and their product is supposed to be available 24/7 ?

I think your anger is seriously misdirected