Show us your Sondek

Today I used an old silver polish cloth I bought in the States 20-odd years ago (so it’s not as extreme in effect as it was when new).

I have no idea if the factory lacquer is all gone or bits remain. I’m not looking for a perfect mirror-finish particularly.

It’s a sweet old thing - I don’t mind a few blemishes in the shine.

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Your plinth looks fabulous. Rosewood? Is that from Linn, or someone else?

It’s a Linn cherry.
I missed my old fluted Afromosia so much after I changed to flat-sided ‘honey nut’ (Ray and Paul called it), I swapped back to flutes as soon as Linn made them again.

The Afro is boxed, in the loft - can’t bring myself to part with it, old and a bit worn as it is.


I had my old black, unfluted plinth for almost 40 years. Bought with the LP12, a Mission 774 tonearm, and an Ortofon MC20 cartridge, from Howard Popeck of Subjective Audio, to replace the Thorens TD160S that I had as a student at Oxford.

I sent the plinth to Grahams HiFi in London not long ago, who are putting together an LP12 for my son.

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Yes, I’m overdue a visit to Graham’s - just for a chat…preparing for when it’s ‘new Kandid or…’ time.

Plus, I haven’t seen Paul or Colin for awhile - so may also book a service on the Linn just as an excuse… :wink:

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Do let me know if they still use Jeff Buckley’s ‘Grace’ as a demo album.

I was encouraged to take a few albums with me when I went into Grahams about 30 years ago, to buy my Naim amps and CD player. I had Jude Martens and Ray Horn demonstrating the Naim amps for me, and I had been asked to bring some LPs that I knew well.

Jude and Ray had a ‘What-The-F**k-Is-That’ moment when I asked them to play ‘Grace’!

(It’s still my favourite album ever.)

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Heh…Paul likes jazz, but I could see he wasn’t that keen when I played Archie Shepp in a dem :laughing:


But…back to the thread, eh.

I need a new belt. Well, maybe not need, but…

Renaissance Wax Polish is the finest glass-clear wax polish available!

Renaissance Wax is a glass-clear wax polish used by Museums and collectors for conditioning leather, preventing oxidisation and protecting from corrosion

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Yeah, that stuff is good…used it on my 1930’s fountain pens though, never metal… I’ll have to dig it out…

If it’s good enough for the British museum it’s good enough for me :grinning:.

The rest of the blurb

Product Description

Renaissance Wax is a micro-crystalline wax that has been specifically blended to have a crystalline structure that is much finer than totally natural waxes (such as beeswax or carnauba wax) which makes it highly moisture resistant.

Easy to apply, Renaissance Wax needs only to be lightly and evenly applied to a surface and then gently buffed to full lustre with either the use of a soft, lint-free cloth or a soft wax polishing brush. When dried the wax forms a hard film that isn’t sticky like oil and protects against not only moisture and other environmental pollutants but also damage from handling resulting from the natural acidity of the human touch. The matured film has a silk-smooth feel that is comfortable to handle but is also clear and offers no loss in clarity, ensuring that no fine surface detail is obscured. Surfaces protected by Renaissance Wax are easily cleaned of any greasy dirt from handling by gently rubbing them with a soft rag dampened with paraffin; or as an alternative, warm water with a little liquid soap. Removing the wax film is also simple as the film can be completely removed by rubbing with white spirit.

Because of these properties Renaissance Wax has found a wide variety of uses amongst a large number of trades in both industrial and hobbyist uses. Amongst furniture makers and sculptors Renaissance Wax is used to protect wood from damage from use or handling while at the same time delicately enhancing the grain or ‘flame’ patterns of the wood. Makers and restorers of string instruments find the wax an ideal way to protect the varnish of instruments from human contact and also from sticky residue from rosin. Interiors and exteriors of cars can be protected with Renaissance Wax; every surface from the exterior paint and rubber seals to interior leather trim can be protected from damage by the hardwearing wax film with no loss of lustre. Additionally, Renaissance Wax is prized by museum curators and professional restores for its excellent protective qualities and its acid-free nature, allowing it to protect the most sensitive of materials without damaging them, such as protecting historic arms and armor from corrosion or historic photographs from environmental damage. Renaissance Wax is an excellent sealer for gold and silver leaf where protection is required.

When applied correctly - in thin layers - Renaissance Wax is extremely economical in comparison with ordinary commercial waxes. In room temperature, with the can firmly capped, Renaissance Wax has a shelf-life of many years and will remain in perfect condition long after other waxes have caked hard become useless.

Renaissance Wax can be used on top of a lacquer as an additional protective layer, the wax will protect the lacquer from damage (particularly when the surface is exposed to the elements) and can be easily taken off and reapplied as needed to keep the finish looking bright.


Weirdly, I have a tin of that wax, which I use on a couple of bronze statues that I have.

It has never occurred to me to use it on the LP12 platter - what a klutz! I will try it tomorrow.

I initially bought it for the bluing on my rifles, as fingerprints if left can cause pitting.


I think that it will be ideal. What a numpty I am!

They also make Pre Lim metal burnisher which is a very fine metal polish. I have not tried this on my LP12 platter as although over 40 years old it has dulled a bit but still looks good with no marks. I have used it to good effect elsewhere though when I wanted a safe fine polish. Using Renaissance wax afterwards helps keep the shine.

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Thanks. I’ll look Pre Lim up.


Time to update your profile.
I bet that’s a breath of fresh air and great body clearance too. :sunglasses: :+1:t2:

Is that an Umami Blue?
Very nice🙂

I do love the PU7!