What are you listening to in 2023 and why might anyone be interested?

Electric Light Orchestra - Out Of The Blue.


John McLaughlin. Is that so.
Sometimes you need to listen to an album like this. Beautiful.

Qobuz. Prompted by @Clive to place in the queue


Prince, The Hits I, 1993.



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Insanely well produced album. Hard to believe it came out nearly 25 years ago!


A recent topic of conversation in the “Show us your Sondek” thread via @anon70766008 and @steviebee.
Thought I’d give it a listen as Graham voted it;


Boston Boston


I prefer his Dad. A hard act to follow, granted.


…and his dad was?:thinking:
Edit Just looks him up, Tim Buckley.
Died ‘75 of a drug overdose. Jeff only met him once, age 8 apparently.

The great Tim Buckley - take a listen to HappySad, Star Sailor etc.


Well @anon70766008, I wouldn’t put it in my top 10 albums of all time, but it’s certainly VERY good.
I’m surprised I’ve never played anything by him before…:man_shrugging:t2:

It’s unlike much else, so you may need to play it two or three times to ‘get’ the music!

You can’t move without seeing Japanese jazz on this thread :sunglasses:

Jeff didn’t, iirc, have a great many recorded albums…and died tragically (who knows) young…

Continuing the exploration of William the Conqueror and their works.

I’ll give it a run on one of the Naim systems over the next couple of days.
Sonos is alright for casual listening, but not for proper “focused” listening. Sadly, I’m not able to get to either of the proper systems whilst kitten sitting… :man_shrugging:t4: :smiley_cat:

‘Grace’ was the only album released in JB’s lifetime, before his awful death by drowning.

After his death, Sony released a 2LP set ‘Sketches For My Sweetheart The Drunk’, with a (virtually completed) album on LP 1, which JB did not approve for release, and rough sketches of songs on LP2 made by JB for an album that he might make when he was joined by his band members.

He died by accidental drowning in the Wolf River on the day that his band members were due to join him.

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That’s very sad. Was he 27 by any chance…?:thinking:
This version of ‘Hallelujah’ is pretty darn special!
EDIT …I see he made it to 30, if the book of wiki is to be believed.

His father Tim Buckley was not far off being a member of the horrid ‘27 club’.

I think that Jeff was 31.

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Do go online to watch the videos for ‘Grace’ and ‘The Last Goodbye’ - they’re very special!

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