Show us your Sondek

Only ever maintained when changing the cartridge or upgrading a part. Can only assume some folk abuse their LP12s or start with an incorrectly set up deck.


No, I hadn’t. Compared the Collaro against the Linn stock felt mat and found that it made an improvement.

The only other mat I tried years ago, because of static, was the Inspire Acri Mat, which was awful, killed the music stone dead.

Don’t have the LP12 now.


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The Ekos SE

Ready for takeoff…


My LP12s have never been serviced by any issue, only upgraded. :sweat_smile:


Nice work Bandit :call_me_hand: :sunglasses:

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Yesterday I met up with a client and his LP12 I last saw in 2013 at the old Hotel Street shop location. The suspension on his LP12 was still very good, noise free and pistonic (after 11 years!). His 10X5 was worn out so it was traded in against a new one. Additionally, and he wanted to switch to 45 rpm via an electronic switch and had always wanted a Hercules so this along with a new belt, plus a spring and bush change in the service, he was ready to go in about an hour.
No bother at all for him at all and nice to catch up again after all those years :blush:


Thank you Peter


Same here. Never had a ‘problem’. Any changes or replacements were generally done as part of an upgrade. I can only find 1 instance of a ‘service’ - which was done after about 8 years from the previous time it had been apart. All others were varying degrees of ‘upgrade’ - ranging from the ‘glued’ sub-chassis (back in 1985), to Cirkus (in 2018) and Kore (in 2022).

Far Less Hassle Than People Think.


I’m starting to narrow down my upgrade options for the LP12. One thing I hadn’t give much thought to was the T-Kable. Is that worth adding to go with the Ittok LV11 arm and AT-OC9ML/II cart?


Yes it will make a small improvement but nothing like the improvement the bearing, power supply or sub-chassis would make.
Plus if you have an LVII can I assume your LP12 is a few years old??? If so can you check where the cable exit is in the plinth please. If it looks like it is coincident with the rear stud on the cross-member you will have difficulties as there will not be enough space for the T-Kable to exit the plinth due to the presence of the larger black P-clip supplied for the T Cable. On later LP12s the cable exit in the plinth is about 30mm to the right of the stud when viewed from the back and so is ok. All is not lost however as the Trampolin 2 has a push-out at the rear to allow the T-Cable to exit underneath when there is an issue. KR, Peter

PS. if using the push out exit, be sure to ensure the sharp edge left by the removal of the push out is rounded off with a file as it maybe sharp enough to penetrate the T-Kable and cause a short!


Thank you for the detailed reply Peter, it’s much appreciated. I’m in New Zealand, so John Vivian and Shore HiFi would be doing any installs, so I’ve sent him your comments. He knew about the cut-out in the Trampolin, and I was thinking of adding that, along with the Lingo 4, Karousel and Kore (current spec is Valhalla, Cirkus - an 83 model).


What you are proposing to have done is pretty much what I did in 2020, albeit I had a “new-ish” lid and hinges and outer platter as well (plus new cartridge). The only survivors were the plinth and top plate :slightly_smiling_face:

The result was a much more “21st Century” sounding deck: think old deck Reni from the Stone Roses, new deck Billy Cobham if that makes sense.

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I’m not familiar with the analogy, but I’m assuming that you found the upgrades worthwhile?

Sorry; what I was trying to impart was that the newly-fettled deck was more precise, powerful and “detailed” without losing a Linn’s character.
I’m pleased with what was done; it brought the deck up to date, and I got the Karousel offer at the time.

Try listening to the drumming on I wanna be adored, by the Stone Roses, and maybe Stratus by Billy Cobham: my poor attempt at illustrating the difference in musical terms :upside_down_face:


I’ve pulled the trigger on a one-off upgrade of my LP12 to a kinda of Seleck level spec. I’ll be keeping the Ittok LV 11, and AT-OC9ML/II and swapping the Valhalla and Cirkus stuff to a Lingo 4, Karousel, Trampolin 2, Kore spec, and adding a T-Kable.

Thanks everyone for your help and ideas.

I also bumped into the guy who sold me the LP12 and he said he’d checked the cartridge and it was in excellent condition.

Install will be late July whilst we are holidaying in Australia.


Good choices @Mike_S. Lingo 4 is a goodie, and I do think Karousel is good vfm (I know Dan was underwhelmed, but…).

I went from Valhalla/Cirkus and I don’t think I’d go back.

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@Cymbiosis may be a bit off topic but any updates on Uptopik for the KRad2?

I think that your LP12 will be an excellent spec with all those upgrades. I am sure you will enjoy it for many years to come.


Not as yet, but my guess is that we may hear something before the end of the year.
Having said that check out the news page on our website or your own retailers website for some interesting news as there is an offer running through the summer until 31st of August.
KR, Peter

I made a similar upgrade to my LP12 about 15 months ago and it transformed, I am sure you will be very happy. The only downside to the upgrade was that I soon upgraded my cartridge and phono stage, which allowed the LP12 to get even better.

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