System Pics 2023

Let me know how you get on!!

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Haha, oh my god, so it can only get even better then!

I did indeed, ate good fish and discovered the Wii.
A nice day, a good while ago. S. was there too.

Latest incarnation - back on Alphason speaker stands.


I do like the look of the ProAc Sig 10

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For @I.M and anyone else interested.
There you go…

Image : Innous ZENmini mk3 S + LPSU, nestled amongst other Naim boxes.


Very good visual match with the Naim systems :ok_hand:,and sounds great :slightly_smiling_face:!


After a nice evening of tasty home-cooked food, some beer and very good music, I would say that Epos is a good speaker, but in this system they were not enough, Neat was better on all parameters. However, they would certainly come into their own in a smaller Naim system, as I have listened to them together with the Nait 50 at my dealer, and in that context they sounded really good.


NAIT 50 on amplifier duties.


Cool, my kind of setup concept!


My system (272, 300dr, CDX2, RP8 and Woo Audio WA6 headphone amp). Wondering whether to upgrade to 222. A big question for me is I would need to change my SL interconnects and won’t be able to connect my headphone amp.


In addition to the headphone amp in the 222?

Yes, I’ve got a tube amp I’d like to continue to use.

How is your Headphone amp connected to your 272? And what SL Cables do you have? The only cable you should need to change would be from the 272 to 300.

A lovely room, but the pendant lamp is at a jaunty angle :slightly_smiling_face:


It’s the camera angle; the pendant is level. But yes, it does look wonky.

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Recently removed my Adona Classic 45 Stand (remanent from my “Arc Welder” system days),
and replaced that with a Rigidrack Stand with Butcher Block Platforms.
The Well Tempered turntable and Naim CD55x/Flatcap 2 have Iso Acoustic Gaia III feet for further isolation.

Much more homey while providing the stability and isolation I need.


Ultimate Hifi den - that looks fantastic.

I bet it sounds fabulous too.

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I see a lot of full floorstanding speakers system in here. How about Bookshelf smaller system pics? Please guys indulge us! Thanks! :grin: