System Pics 2023

@Inmynaim, may I ask how you are getting on with your Sonus Faber ON III?

Do you ever find they have too much base in your room?

Many thanks in advance.

Well established in the Naim ecosphere, 282/250 recently added.



On my way to a friend’s to compare speakers…:thinking:


Good grief HH even your kitchen is elegant!

My goodness
More Epos ES14N speakers on display there.
(As well as Neat Ultimatum XLS)

Very interested :+1:
Do share any further thoughts about the new ES14’s…

Best wishes


Ah he’s friend of yours. Seen his system around elsewhere :slight_smile: Interesting to hear your comments on the outcome.

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Those new Epos ES14s are much bigger than expected - great to see them in context. Look forward to reading thoughts on their abilities.


Kitchen? That’s the dining room.


Hi @MrDom thanks for your query! I have been delighted with the sonus fabers from day 1. They are by far the best speakers I have ever had. Despite the small size of my room (around 3 x 3.5m) they work extremely well, giving bags of detail good soundstage and a deep but controlled bass. Plus they look as good as they sound!! They are true allrounders which is just as well as I have an eclectic taste in music.
I would recommend them but a home demo is essential!

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My experience over the years with various isolation devices, including the Oreas, is that they can do very strange things to the sound. They seem to ‘give with one hand and take away with the other’.

One notable exception is the Quadraspire Q Plus Advanced feet that I use under most of the stuff on my Quadraspire SV rack. They just seem to build on what the rack does with no detectable downside. I did try them under my Chord mains block on a piece of wood and they sounded truly awful. So maybe only really work in conjunction with the rack.

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Hi @Inmynaim , many thanks for your reply.
So pleased you are loving them.
Yes, I’m looking to set a demo of them together with the floor standing Guarneri Generation 5, just for comparison.
I mainly listen to Classical, Jazz, blues and acoustic stuff although I am liable to play the off Pet Shop Boys now and again :joy:
The Sonus Faber speakers look fabulous from the web, cannot wait to see/hear them in person.
If I think “yes, this is amazing “ a home demo will prevail.
All the best.
Oh, loved the picture you posted. They look great in your room :+1:

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Let me know how you get on!!

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Haha, oh my god, so it can only get even better then!

I did indeed, ate good fish and discovered the Wii.
A nice day, a good while ago. S. was there too.

Latest incarnation - back on Alphason speaker stands.


I do like the look of the ProAc Sig 10

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For @I.M and anyone else interested.
There you go…

Image : Innous ZENmini mk3 S + LPSU, nestled amongst other Naim boxes.


Very good visual match with the Naim systems :ok_hand:,and sounds great :slightly_smiling_face:!


After a nice evening of tasty home-cooked food, some beer and very good music, I would say that Epos is a good speaker, but in this system they were not enough, Neat was better on all parameters. However, they would certainly come into their own in a smaller Naim system, as I have listened to them together with the Nait 50 at my dealer, and in that context they sounded really good.


NAIT 50 on amplifier duties.