System Pics 2024

Now that you’ve said that, have to agree and share with you that was our conclusion, when we auditioned these a few months back.

Which is just fine. It’s still a get speaker.

I think when you go on a journey and listen to lots of speakers, you kinda discover what sound signature you like, as much about what you don’t like as you do like. We obviously discovered we liked things a bit more punchy, forward and dynamic. With a bit more “up em” in the bass department.

However, the attractive thing about the Super 20A’s is their apparent “accuracy”. They are entirely honest or “transparent”, which many others like.

Good luck


Is it me, do you have a different pair of speakers in the shack every week? :+1:

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Interesting since they are placed more or less in the corners.

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Having to audition new speakers Nick as my Grandson slipped his minders (His dad and grandma) on Sunday when they came for breakfast and promptly pushed in all the drivers on Mrs Q’s Keilidh’s.
Moved the Ninka’s back to her system and am auditioning new speakers for the Cabin system.

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Is this in terms of cosmetics or sound?

Sorry about this, here’s the thread about SL servicing if you haven’t seen it yet

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Still have Isobarik’s in our system :smiley:


Oops! Hopefully the new found need to choose the next set of boxes will be an enjoyable one!! Keep us all informed ad to how you get on young man😁

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Thanks Nick
As you’ve seen, I have both the Russell K Red 120’s (loaned for Demo by Signals of Felixstowe) and Kudos Super 20A’s (loaned for Demo by Criterion Audio of Oakington, Cambridge) here at the moment.
The Russell K’s were fabulous last night, but the Super 20A’s went in today and I was not so thrilled by them.
Still I have a week to play with them both, so we’ll see.


Good luck my friend, it’s a blooming nightmare i think, the comparison bit anyway, it’ll be interesting to know how you get on.


How close to the back wall have you positioned the s20a and red 120s

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Positioning is an ongoing activity. Aesthetically it would be 30-40cms, but we can go further. To maybe 60cms, but that would not be ideal.

A bit of both, but mostly sound if I am honest.

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I hesitate to say this, as I imagine that you have the speakers positioned in the room corners for a reason… but getting them closer together and moving them proud of the hifi racks by a few inches might do a world of good.

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I’d even go with all the Naim on one Fraim stack, wall mount the record player and move the speakers in more from the walls.

Can you remove the plywood under the racks ?

It’s not our money of course and recommendations are just that.

But that would be a massive upgrade of soundstage for one, & perhaps be able to show you more of what you’re trying to improve sound wise ?

Then that would give any speaker trials a better base to show you what they can do.

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The plywood plinth is a giant isolation platform.
It is fixed to the concrete slab beneath the cabin as the cabin is a timber building with a floating floor. The racks are as I like them (discussed at length previously).
I have tried mounting the TT on the wall in the past, but it doesn’t work as the building is timber and not stable enough.
I am playing with positioning, but if the speakers don’t work in the space then they just aren’t the right speaker. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:
We will get there. I put the Russell K’s back in last night and the sound was so much better straight away.
I have a week to mess around with both sets and there are still a couple of options not yet tried🤔


Did a little bit of this yesterday, but more twiddling to come over the week…:face_with_peeking_eye:

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What material and substrate is your wall made from?


I should think they have - so close to the corners of the room and no toe in. Would the OP be better off with boundary speakers such as SL2s or firing straight ahead speakers like PMC 25.24s? Alternatively, move the racks to the side wall as speakers nearly always sound better with nothing in between them or if not at least move them forward so their front baffles are ahead of the racks.

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I like stand mounts but intensely dislike stands, and do not like floor standers - this possibly explains why my last two speakers of choice where strangely sized stands mounts sitting on the floor, namely Klipsch Heresy and IBLs…