System Pics 2024

Nait 2 and Sonab speakers at kids flat. They have the gear on loan. A Bluesound node is in the cabinet.


272 , 250 magic


It’s a great question and given I only got the last system active yesterday I don’t have any actual sample of real situations, however my theory was as follows.

Most of my listening on the Guru connected system is when I’m using the cabin gym. In which case the Gurus would then be firing at you. The Kefs are positioned facing the sofa bed, so I was thinking that gave me somewhere to sit and listen, especially in fine weather, with the doors open (they open outwards), chilling with the warm air flowing in.

They would be the main different scenarios I can see for a clear choice, the dilemma would be when listening out there when having a session at night, where until now I’d grab the bean bag and place myself in the middle with the Gurus firing at me.

For the most part I think in that last situation I’d probably do the same, but it’s nice to have the choice and it always irked a bit to see the Densens and not to be using them.

Good news is that the sound quality of the new system has exceeded my expectations and the Kefs are really excelling in this position, massive soundstage and cracking balance with the Densen sound.

Other good news is I’m about to gift the Klipsch RB81 M2’s that are sat unused on the floor to a neighbour. I purchased these few years ago as party speakers to swap out the Guru’s when I wanted really loud and no worry of damage to cherished gear.

Needless to say they’ve hardly ever been used and instead have been loaned out like a premiership youth footballer.

So now to clear out some space in the cabin they will make their way across the street where they can bring some musical joy to someone else and be put to good use.


Very nice! Guru 12’s, didn’t know they were out yet, as Guru hasn’t updated their website with them. I have a pair of Junior Plus and love them with my Nait XS3 and ND5XS2, fun combination!

Looking at your placement of the 12’s, I take it they may not require being right up against the wall and heavy toe-in? Enjoy them!

Hi Frazeur, yes they are first in the country and think 1 of 3 pairs in first shipment. Other two pairs went to French distributor and a reviewer.

I’ve owned Gurus since the Q(m)10’s and still have a pair in cabin system. So yes, used to the normal positioning that suits them and that is how they are deployed in cabin.

The 12’s at first just put them where the displaced Kef Ls50 metas were and they sounded great there. That was approaching 50cm from back of speaker to wall.

I then experimented with moving them back towards the wall but found it lost that initial magic.

They are currently about 44cm from wall and with about 1.5cm of toe in, so most unlike Guru in my experience.

They’ve still got some running in to go so things may change but they sound pretty special so far and their dimensions are far more in line with standard speakers than the 10’s, so maybe that’s why the positioning is more standard so far.

Spectacular with voices and dynamics so far.

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Klipsch Rb-81 II’s getting cleaned up before they head off to a neighbour to actually get some use.


I added a Bonn N8 recently, the sound has changed, I think to the better, enjoying the amazing Daft Punk, I feel Giorgio’s story sounds incredibly real.



Is that Dali in the photo on your right?

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Excellent eye @steviebee!

Indeed Salvador Dalí and Amanda Lear. An original picture of which I am very proud.

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Oh bloody hell Pete, not you too. I just don’t know what to say any more. It is a horrible fact that cancer is commonplace and will afflict many on here, and a brave few have chosen to share. I think it must give those affected some comfort to see they are not alone, and I am sure you will draw some strength from the positivity and spirit shown by Dan, for example.

My heart goes out to you, Pete. Try to remain strong.

The system pics thread seems to have morphed into a far more important topic.


Absolutely and all the more reason to realise that all of us will not live to 100 and a fact that we need to look after ourselves and importantly try to reduce any stress


I do like that piece of music, very effectively composed and produce IMO.

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Thanks for the reply, apologies to all here for taking time out from the pics thread! Enjoy the 12’s, would love to know more about them once they are run in.

I doubt my Juniors will go away, and now they share time with my little Shahinian Larc 2’s as well. Fun little speakers that sound bigger than they have a right to!

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Hi Nigel, yes unfortunately me too (might start a movement). I’ve caused the delay due to refusing to except the news and the fact that hardly anything gets done during the 6 weeks of our summer holidays.

Thanks for your kind words we are trying to stay positive.


I don’t think any of you should go to the naim factory,
Dan should do what ever he wants,

It all seems abit me me me naim factory me me me,
Passive aggressive a lot of you,

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A special day for them to all remember,

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Tend to agree, but I think I’d go with what does @Dan_M want to do.

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I agree, it’s up to Dan,
Just trying to make a point,

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There is a dedicated thread here.

If you read that you’ll see that Dan wants it to be a Forum thing, not a family thing. He will do what he wants to do, and it’s really none of our business.


You have an opinion on everything, I was just trying to make a point,
How it seems this thread is a lot more me me me naim factory,
Dan can do want he wants not suggesting anything else,
I will go back and adjust the thread so it does not come across as telling what to do, :kiss: