The Naim New Classic Range - Part 2

The phono stage looks very appealing to me and could well end up in my system. As for the 332/333/350, whilst appealing, it is beyond what I would want to spend on a system. I will remain very happy with my 222/300 and replace my 250DR with the NC250 early next year.


The 350 looks interesting might get some prices and consider my options.

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When I wake up in morning this thread will be 4,000 responses

Good evening :grinning::grinning:


Anyone owning a new NAP250 whoā€™s feeling nostalgic can just borrow a dymo and relabel the inputs and outputs :slight_smile:

No transformer hum also with my 222/300/250.

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No Pete not 350 / think front end source first

Havenā€™t you learnt anything on your long naim journey :crazy_face::frowning:

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I like the implementation of XLR balanced everything and I like the 350 mono blocks. But NAIM has priced itself out of my attainment at this point. Curious to see the New Classic Supernait as thatā€™s the only product I might be able to afford.

Iā€™d love for anyone here to directly compare NAP 350 (X2) with Schiit Tyr (X2) and write a detailed, fair comparison review.



ā€¦There will be some beautiful official under the bonnet inside shots from our Marketing team. In the meantime, hereā€™s some blurry iPhone photos straight from the R&D workbench.

Please bear in mind these are prototypes and do have modifications. They will have been taken apart many times and their condition shows this. Production units are fanatically built.

NAC 332
Note: The top input selecting PCB obscures the main lower PCB.

NSS 333

NAP 350
Note: The actual power amp PCB with dual sets of NA009 power transistors and DR regs with dual NA009 are hidden under the top PCB (balanced input circuits, their DR PSUs and music sensing).



Thatā€™s obvious if I had Iā€™d be ignoring these new releases.

The 222 and 333 use the backend of the PCM1971A, just the DAC array part.

When used with the SHARC DSP for the integer oversampling we found the 1791 to sound better than the 1792.


Lovely work! Hatā€™s off to you. I look forward to hearing more about the how and why and the soundā€¦

Thatā€™s ok Vyvyan :joy:

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Bump just in case Iā€™m in an ignore list

Original XPS or XPS2/XPS DR?

XPS2 non DR Richard

A couple of queries please - 552 to 350:

Is this possible and if so, which cables are required?
Are there any potential downsides to this pairing?



This is great news. I will build a new system around a 252DR I have kept after upgrading to a 552.

I will probably go for a 333 and a new 250. The 350 is above what I want to achieve.

This should make a fantastic, up to date, system.


Iā€™d expect it will be like the 222 streamer/pre-amp then and be possible via the special Burndy.

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Yes, should be possible using the same special single ended DIN to balanced XLR cables as were made available for the NC NAP250.


Iā€™m more interested in the NSS333. That way I can keep my amps recently serviced and upgrade to a NPX300 later, the advantage being I already have a serviced XPS2 non DR. The upgrade of the NSC222 with the power supply NPX300 was very worthwhile when I demoed this in Karlsruhe. If thatā€™s the case then well done with a thoughtful transition from the old classic.

Something that I am very keen to demo. Without power supply, with XPS2 and then with NPX300