Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

Gee that’s not good rather disappointing hope they sort it out for you soon.

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Only one solution really.



I have requested for a replacement/refund. Dealer’s option was to take the display set or do a swap for the defective parts. They are currently checking with the PMC distributor.

Gosh, we’re these new?

Yes. However, the box was a little open when it arrived and not in the best condition.

On the other hand, I have received stuff that are in good condition and the box seems to have travelled star track miles. Anyway, I will be sending it back and getting a refund.

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That defect has not occured whilst the package was in transit. Looks like a combination of poor manufacturing and being stored in a damp place for quite a while.


These things happen unfortunately, and it’s obvious that exchange or refund is the correct resolution. My PMC stands were absolutely immaculate and beautifully made, so this is clearly an oddity.

On a more positive note, Mrs HH has won a £1,000 prize on the premium bonds. It’s the first time we’ve won a £1,000 prize. In fact she got six prizes, but I got none, which at least is a good example of the randomness of the draw.


Well done to Mrs HH. I am glad you said you got none, if only, as I got none as well.

I went through a spate last year with three months of nothing, thinking I must have slipped out of the system, then wins each month from last September.

My dealer opened up another box and it has the same defect. I think they received a bad batch.

£75 for me this month, so that’s 75 more chances next month :+1:

Delivered as many election leaflets as I can .

That’s it

Thinking I may walk to our local farm shop in the next two weeks , given my unhealthy knees , that is a vast improvement compared to five months


Bloomin’ election leaflets! I’ve got plenty of cuts on the back of my hand from sharp letterboxes. The key is to use a spatula, but that means you need to put the rest of the leaflets in a bag and ultimately it’s slower. I’ve done various meetings, hustings and a quiz night last week, and got to meet our candidate a good few times. Rashly I said I’d be a teller on Thursday, and now am down for four hours. Still, it will give me something to do while Mrs HH works at the polling station.

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Any leaflets through my letterbox go straight in the bin un-viewed.


Hopefully it’s the recycling rather than the bin.

Yes, recycle bin.

Apt. So we’ll see all the same-old same-old again in a few years.

I am surprised some people get any mail with the ferocity of the mailboxes .

My favourite , the boxes by the side , my least favourite letterboxes six inches above the ground . I took one look and decided not to bother

My American friends and neighbours are constantly astonished by letterboxes in British front doors. “Why would you give strangers access to your home?” is the general response.

I used to explain that the UK is far too civilized to worry about anyone abusing letterboxes. Oh, how naive…


It was OK when the letterboxes were just being used by Royal Mail. Nowadays it gets used for junk mail (unsolicited), charity bags etc.
If I catch the perpetrator I give them their crap back. Some days there is so much the letterbox is jammed open - not great in winter when I’ve spent a load of money on a composite door to keep draughts out.

The ‘charity’ bags I keep to use as bin bags as they are dubious anyway. :thinking:

The leaflets are all shiny so not much use…:poop:

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I found that if I use my fingers to push in the middle of the leaflet to open and get it through the letter box I get protection for my fingers. First time I did 400 over an 8 mile distance in 3 hours of estate deliveries.
