What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2022?

Oh got you now - are you saying you’re not currently using your SL speaker cable ?

No they’re not long enough, I’m using the SL on system #2 (the Atom) that’s mainly used with the tv at present.

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I tried this combo and to my ears the vocals sounded nosal as if the atom was way underpowered.

So, bringing the thread back to topic with a picture of today’s delivery and very fitting to the conversation above :sweat_smile:

Found some preloved Naim A5 cables and looking forward to discover the difference to my current cables (Vovox initio) if any. This type of cables do make a difference to the cheapo stuff. It’s far from SL and other 4 digit spheres though, where I’m too more skeptical about the improvement it brings, and at the end I guess it comes back to the law of diminishing returns.


You can only trust your own ears, for sure!

For me there is enough power, the sound is very lively and works with different kinds of music and vocals. Had a long demo session at the dealer’s comparing 11s to 19s and ended up getting the 11s. Did not see any difference in sound from switching from his 2x powerful mono power amps to the Atom at home - foot tapping is there all right! :slight_smile:

It’s getting better incrementaly, thank you Opus!

I do not know if you know the approach of Xanthe (Click here:Support for glass )… No fancy and expensive accessories. This can be easily realized by yourself and I (and others) have had very good experiences with it (click here:Link ). It is worth a try.

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I just bought a Rega Osiris to replace my Supernait 3.

I didnt fancy going down the pre/power/power supply
multi box path and having had the Osiris on home loan, realised this was a significant upgrade on the SN3 as you would expect at the price.

Better grip, drive, dynamic clout, transparency/detail resolution and imaging etc. Improving on the SN3s musicality in general. I see this as my end game amp. If you cant be content with a £7.5k amp, when will you ever be then?

I picked this up ex-demo with a £3k reduction, 2 years warranty on a 2020 model and Rega’s lifetime warranty.

A dealer likened this to a 282/hi/250 and Rackkit on here, came to a similar conclusion. It brings great joy, suffice to say.

Personally, i love its looks, pretty funky in a retro kind of way.

I also got some Kudos KS1 cable ( for my C20s ) and a Powerline as well.

So quite a spend and thats it for now for a couple of years, what with this cost of living crisis, until i improve my streamer eventually. This enhances my Core/Nd5xs2 rather than make it sound broken. Far from it.


2nd 555PSDR incoming…

Life is too short indeed.



Look forward to your assessment after a few weeks!

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ND555 installed this week :sunglasses:


Mine was a Goldnote PH10 phonostage a supurb bit of kit and with the attendant power supply unit is just so musical I am very happy with it.


Hi @MattF , does that phono stage have a mono button at all and what did you use before?
Regards D.

Cut that out, Graeme.


Hi Dashing
You have got me there, it does mm an mc, 3 recording profiles RIAA, DECDA and Columbia, loads of impedance options, ability to fully control 2 turntables or 2 arms on one turntable, but not surs about mono. Will dig out the bumph that came with it and see it specifically mentions anything about mono. Everything is controlled via a large knob an screen on the front panel so no rear dip switches to play with.
My previous phono was a cheap rega or built into amp. Regards Matthew

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Thank you. I know it has one knob controls all, I was hoping that there would be a mono selection.
Regards D.

Bought a pre-loved Powerline. I am a bit sceptical about power leads but read the views of others and knew I could sell it on if it didn’t make a difference.

Installed it on my HC but had to go away for a week. On the day of my return, my wife had been streaming Foals all day and commented, “What have you done to the Hi Fi? Foals normally sounds cluttered and compressed but now there is separation and it sounds great”. She was spot on, again!

Comments like, ‘buy more powerlines’ are an unexpected bonus - happy days!


OK, so yesterday when inspecting the cables my wife’s comment was: ‘those look heavy, are you going to charge a car with them’? :sweat_smile:

Anyway, just made a first comparison. The NAC A5 are not yet in their final position, but the difference is very audible to me. I feel like I’m getting an additional bit of the speakers that I was missing. It is like releasing the musicians from a box. Much more immersive and detailed sound, rather than ‘there’ the music is now ‘here’ .

Well, it is always difficult to describe, but those cables aren’t going anywhere. A very worthwhile upgrade, even at full price I would say. So at half of that certainly a good deal and they are nicely ‘on spec’ with Naim connectors at the amp end and measuring 2x5m.


You might be better with active 500’s now that you’ve taken the plung.

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3 Plixir Elite BDC’s (with Statement DC cables) and a Denafrips Gaia DDC.

Wife is not happy. :face_with_peeking_eye: