What was the last bit of gear you bought?

Shahinian Obelisk?

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Nope… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

MBL 121. My last try. Then I give my turn.

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Nope… All good guess’s FR but not right. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Shall I give the game away?

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Gorgeous… Just gorgeous, do let us know how they settle in?

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Having never tried a Mojo before I snapped this one up to use with my laptop and whilst travelling so I’ve just tried it against the Ifi Zen Dac.
Nothing wrong with the Mojo used as a portable DAC for the money they go for used they are a steal but the £100 Zen gave absolutely nothing away to the Chord apart from being larger and less portable. I connect them both up to the main system and the Mojo edged it slightly in that setting but I have to repeat if you are after a little desktop DAC that does MQA the Zen in a genuine stone cold bargain.

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I think I could of maybe teased FR a bit longer with some pictures from 2001 A Space Odyssey of the Black Monolith.



Well they’re new to me but actually they are secondhand (but as new) so they were already settled/burnt in before I got them which is one of the bonus’s of buying second hand. :slightly_smiling_face:

Only been listening to them for an hour or two.

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Whouah! Splendid! Really splendid.
I could not have guessed. And first time I see that speakers.

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Agree…see my brief post in Show your Headphones.

How is the bass, with that single drivers?

Oohhh…I hope they contain speakers just like Yorkshireman’s.

By the way, what are they?

It’s pretty good for single driver similar to what I get with the SBL’s and a similar type of clean tight bass. I guess it’s never going to be as strong as a dedicated driver but you can always add a sub Bass extender if it’s not enough.

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No idea…but pretty big i would say

Just listened to Miles Davis - Kind of Blue - So What and Trentemøller - The Last Resort and they’re doing a good job atm. I think they’re best with simple compositions, trios, quartets, single voice, Jazz and Classical music. Diana Krall - The Girl in the Other Room and Temptation is sounding pretty good.

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And ‘they’ are……?

It’s written on the side of the box image shown earlier, if you can’t see you can click on the image and expand the photo… What was the last bit of gear you bought?