What Was The Last Vinyl You Bought?

google image search tells me it is How I’m Feeling Now by Charli XCX. No, me neither.

Nocturne is a fab live album, Kev! You’ll love it!

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I’d love to be able to find something like that in a charity shop! I have zero records in my collection sourced from charity shops because every time I’ve looked around these parts it has been nothing but junk.

Got to keep looking…and…vary the shops visited. Most times, hmmm…but those few times!

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Some charity shops started cottoning on to collectable records. IIRC Oxfam started their own used records website and last time I looked were asking some eye watering prices!

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RSD Hawkwind Quark Strangeness and Charm. I was lucky and picked up the last copy in my area.


This is the latest of my vinyl acquistions I’m really excited about. I’ve been hunting for a good copy ever since this performance was recommended to me earlier this year. I bought this used from a UK seller and it arrived today. It’s an 11-LP recording from 1979-82 on German-pressed EMI Records. Lucky me, I think this was never played. The box and LPs are mint. I don’t even see any spindle marks on the labels. Score!

I’m playing through the nine symphonies from the start. I’m on #3 now and it’s a fantastic performance so far, and the mastering and pressing quality are excellent. I can see why it was so heartily recommended.


Just got this - timeless DnB sounding amazing - helped by Bernie Grundman !



Record Store Day purchase, arrived today in the post. It’s one of the better recent Bowie releases.


That’s a score for sure JDP. I’m amazed at the quality of lightly used or even unused Classical LP’s and sets that can still be found online or, if you’re lucky, in Charity Shops.
This 12 disc set of Complete Dvorak Quartets for £30 from Discogs.
Hardly ever played and sound amazing.


My ‘We think we’re going to keep wfh at least until the New Year’ binge…


I have wanted to acquire that Dvorak String Quartet set. It’s on my list to get it someday.

Testament reissue:
Speakers Corner reissue: My original is too noisy.


That’s a shame about your original. It’s a lovely album, and sounds really good too. Hopefully the SC reissue is as good - not always the case, although luckily the disaster that was the SC reissue of Maag and LSO Mendelsohn “Scotch” and Fingal’s Cave (SXL 2246) was not repeated!

What was wrong with it Richard? Normally SC stuff is very good…

It was one of the first Speakers Corner reissue and I guess there was lots to learn. I bought it. The sound was terrible, really flat, dull, lifeless. I don’t have the original SXL but I do have some of the reissues, in particular an early grooved Ace of Diamonds that used the same stampers as the original SXL, and the sound is just wonderful. I think SC changed things quite a bit after this one and subsequent LPs I bought from them back in the '90s and early noughties were much better. IIRC I think they reissued SXL2246 again, but I have not heard whether it is an improvement - shouldn’t be too difficult to improve on their earlier reissue though!

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Love this LP so soothing


Ordered today, Bandcamp Friday – a previously unreleased album by Kent techno-meisters Code. Will play the download shortly, the vinyl should arrive later in the month.

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