272 upgrade over Atom

Just a reminder that NAC-N-272 runs on the legacy streaming platform, whereas Atom is on the latest streaming platform.

Not so much of an issue if you plan local UPnP streaming, but there’s no native Qobuz support, among a longer list of missing features compared to the current platform.

Given the old platform and the end of life nature of the 272 I hope you’ve got a very good deal indeed for that! :slight_smile:

Go for it! As you have already the 250.2. To have still better, you would have to go for 282/hicap/ Ndx2. So much more money.
However, if your plans in the future are 555 dr to add on 272, better take another route like 282/Ndx2.

Thanks - I don’t subscribe to a streaming service but I have all my CD’s ripped as FLAC and on a 2TB HDD which the Atom reads flawlessly…need to maintain that capability

The 272 will not read the metadata in your music files on a USB hard drive like the Atom. You will need a NAS for that.

I think you should proceed with caution here, the 272 might look like a bargain but it has its shortcomings.

Rather a left-field suggestion, but…,

In your set-up, where you’re using a power amp, possibly also consider swapping your Atom for an Atom Headphone Edition - you’ll get an instant pre-amp upgrade, while keeping all the features and functionality you love. Obviously a huge benefit if you like listening with headphones, too.

There are some on the Forum who’ve made that very move


Naim have dropped heavy hints on many occasions that a new platform 272 replacement is in development. This would be perfect. If only Naim would give greater clarity on if and when it will appear it would be massively helpful. It would be a real shame to get an Atom HE only to than have a new 272 appear and able to provide a far greater improvement.


I don’t remember any Naim drop hints of the 272 replacement. But a lot of speculations .
We have absolutely no certitude of a 272 replacement.

This must have been quoted 1000 times and one can’t drop a hint much harder than that. From Charlie Henderson:

And as for the rest of the Naim portfolio… despite the temptation, I’m not going to be drawn on exactly what is going on behind the scenes, but as I’ve said before, we’re listening, and we’re busy, perhaps more so than ever before. I’ve been asked for example about the 272 on many occasions, and while not confirming anything, at times like these I always remember the phrase ‘the best things in life take time, but are always worth the wait

(From this post: Naim announcement tonight? - #483 by charlie.henderson)

Though it seems quite sure that it won’t be Paris. From your UK show thread:

That reply quoted above was about not launching new products at this year’s Paris show….

Sorry for misinterpreting. Edited above. Paris appeared for the first time after the quoted post, and WeekendWarrior was talking about Bristol.

As a moderator, I sometimes get a slightly different thread order/timing - this is one of those occasions, it appears.

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I suspect we won’t see it until at least most of the 272 stock that seems to be around has been sold.

I’ve been on the cusp of downsizing my 500 system again. The last time I went too far (to a Nova). Now I have an Atom HE and keep wondering if pairing it with a NAP 250 makes any sense.
The weak part of this arrangement is the streamer/DAC section of the HE vs. something like an NDX-2.
I’ve heard that Naim have tried the Atom HE with a 250. What has been their opinion of it?

Why would it be a shame? Doubt owning an Atom HE prevents a person from acquiring a 372 when available.

The 272 is an excellent pre amp if you can live with the old streaming platform. If you need any reassurance just google all the great reviews from many hi fi mags.

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I understand it more like “ let not disappoint our customers hopes”. Let them believe.

It’s a shame as they will take a hit when reselling should they decide to upgrade to the new whatever

What will the resale value be for a 272 when the 372 is released?

That would only increase the disappointment eventually. He was not obliged to say this, if there is no successor it would surely be better not saying it if the goal was to minimize disappointment

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