System Pics 2024

This isn’t just mirroring - you can use the fire tv remote to select menu items, eg. Change volume, select other streams, etc.

Hi @YetiZone

Just checking in…
How’s the building work getting on ?


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Haha. I think whe i heard that album iwanted to like it but it sounded like dinkernails on a chalkboard

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I don’t have a large Mac, a Naim Atom and small desktop speakers, but I have identical glasses.

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I may be becoming an old sentimental fart, but I find it refreshing to see that name pop up sometimes. It reminds me of a time when human intelligence was not solely used to make money or make other people’s lives worse.


Thanks for the enquiry about the building work, we are almost ‘dust free’, but not quite!

Main building work - tick. We now have working drains, a watertight roof, a knocked through open plan kitchen & dinning room and a new kitchen - fitted just two weeks ago. Everything’s still a little austere in terms of furnishing, but everything works, which is the main thing.

My work room (main listening room) is still very much a work in progress until the school holidays are over. Also, 90% of the records and the Rega turntable are still in storage - frustrating, but it is a usable working space for now. Note, 19L Really Useful Boxes full of records stacked together make for a stable desk support!

But, the big news is all change on the system front though - I’m taking a (semi) Naim sabbatical! I’ll post in more detail in this thread when I get the chance later.

Temporary set up, firstly with vintage Monitor Audio R252s, and introduced last week, Rega RS3s…


Reads like real progress with the home improvements.
It’s a relief when everything gets the the clean stage again, isn’t it ?
Thanks for the post and update.

Your post is also a “Systems Pic” of sorts :rofl:
10/10 for initiative, adaptability (and surviving) with music during the building work.

Good luck :+1:


Movies, Music priority.

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Thanks a lot!

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An earlier thread about Julian and Brompton.


You are interested?

Indeed. Brompton are fab. Fold small but have the same wheelbase as a standard bike. Superb design. I love mine and it goes everywhere with me in London.


Nightmare putting a new inner tube in the back wheel if you puncture, in my experience

Love that drawing board, similar to what i was allowed on after a six year cabinet making apprenticeship and then moved up to the drawing office!

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Maybe. Not now anyway. But it’s good to know! Thanks!

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It is a gem of a thing, although the parallel motion was long gone before I acquired it. I paid just £150 for it from a slate quarry drawing office in North Wales, who were moving over to CAD design and it was deemed surplus to requirements. I hate to think how much it cost new considering the build and weight - I can just about lift it on my own once the board has been removed from the frame. I’ll never part with it!

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Great story, I moved over to 2d cad, then 3d cad, still preferred the board in many ways, it would never crash on me and lose a load of work like the cad systems could!!


Interestingly there are Naim-Brompton branded bikes out there, not sure whether they’re legit anyway, but more curious about the role Mr Julian took during his time at Brompton!
(Not my photos- found them in Mercari JP)