Hi all, @Stevesky,
Some time ago Naim announced some high quality streams (Naim Jazz, Radio Paradise, …) in FLAC. Nice, nice! But, unfortunately this does not work on my Gen 1 Muso & NDX streamers as “the format is not supported” I read on the forum.
As a software developer this looked a nice challenge to me!
So, I figured out that this indeed doesn’t’ work:
Indeed, after the handshake, the Jazz service starts sending an OGG bit steam the NDX doesn’t like. It’s an OGG stream, represented by the “Content-Type audio/ogg” in the response message to the NDX.
But, an OGG FLAC is nothing more than an OGG envelope with a native FLAC in it. And the NDX understands native FLAC.
So, I programmed a forward proxy I run in the Cloud (you can actually run it anywhere as long as the ports are open), that looks like this:
The NDX connects via a custom radio station in vTuner to my FWD proxy (http url & port). From there I connect to Naim Jazz.
I capture the incoming bit stream and transcode it on the fly to FLAC or WAV (or whatever). At that time I also change the content type in the response message during the handshake process to “Content-Type audio/flac” or “Content-Type audio/wav”, so the NDX understand the incoming stream. This works great with WAV, but not with a FLAC stream?
With WireShark I analyzed the UPnP bit stream as I’ve my entire music collection in FLAC. Indeed, there I can see the DLNA server (AssetUPnP) sends a “Content-Type audio/x-flac” to the server.
I tried x-flac as well in the response stream of my FWD proxy, but no success so far.
So, here my question: What do I’ve to put (as content type) in the response so the NDX (or app) recognizes the incoming stream from a custom iRadio station also as FLAC?