Superuniti screen dead, replacement cost?

The dealer will be able to tell you what a full service costs but it’s going to be about £450. Potentially it could be plus the cost of replacing the screen, although Naim may agree to do that as part of the service cost (normally service and repair costs are separately charged, but the screen would normally be changed in a SU service and they don’t have to spend time finding the “fault”.)

Anyway it’s all down to what your dealer decides to pass on to your from what Naim agrees to charge them, which is why you really have to ask the dealer.

New screen plus full service €350 back in 2022 over here in Germany. Done by Naim’s distributr (Music Line).

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Ouch :face_with_head_bandage:

A competent independent could do this for much less - the screen is about £75 and another £75 to put it in.

Sounds dubious, I can’t imagine Naim selling the screens to an independent but correct me if I am wrong. To be honest with you, for not much more money, I would feel more comfortable with it being fixed by the people who made it.

Naim wouldn’t be involved; it’s a standard part, you can buy one yourself and fit it.

I had my NDX screen replaced at similar costs to the above NZ$400.

Its a shame that we can’t access the settings via connecting with a browser and its IP address.

Here in the UK, Naim legacy streamer OLED screen replacement is charged by Naim @ £159 inc. VAT plus associated carriage charges from retailer to Salisbury.

However, servicing your SU would be charged in addition to this @ £549 inc. VAT. Any other “repair only” work (i.e. not OLED related) is charged @ £549. Finally, a combined service/repair visit to Naim would be charged @ £929 inc. VAT. Again, carriage charges to be added to these prices.

Sound Academy should have a detailed fixed price list from Naim relating to this and should be more than happy to oblige with arranging this work for you.

Hope this helps.

Basically Sound

there’s a Service & Repair thread out there from last year - I recall asking some of the same questions. There was also a price list (2022) posted by Claire in Mktg (below)



There it is :point_up:

Good info, all the best

Try this.

Solved my not working remote. Piece of insulation solved it as NeilS suggested. 10 minute fix.

Though with certain legacy streamers, naim cant replace the screen.

IIR if the remote does not work on the NDS there is a small mod that can be done. It seems that part of the inside, heatsink perhaps as it gets warm it expands slightly and shorts out the bit that receives the remote control info.

Try a search it might be still around, the solution was to apply a tiny bit of electrical tape to the heatsink to prevent it shorting.

Found it!



Dec '21

Can’t reply to this old thread anymore Nds remote has stopped working but I just wanted to give a big thank you to @NeilS .
Brilliant solution! Had the same problem for over a year or so and finally got around to try and fix it. Installed a piece of Kapton between the fence and the flatcable connector of the remote receiver and hey presto,remote functional again!
Not that I ever use it but I like to have every bit in good working order. :smiley:
So a big thank you to NeilS from Naim!

Hope this helps


P.S. Seems Sneaky Pete has already posted, must remember to read the whole thread before replying…

Hi Dan, the factory reset performed when your unit was worked on would have set the IR codeset back to default. Your remote may have been operating on a different code & could require resetting to match.
Press “Aux”, “i” & “Disp” simultaniously on the remote.


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That’s about what they’re selling for on the used market (~£1000).

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Hi Neil,

We tried that reset. And it didn’t work. My dealer Audio T Brighton was at Naim on Monday and now you have the remote at Naim.

The fascia was damaged as well so the whole thing was not great. Waiting for dealer to have some news on the fascia as well. Apparently you don’t have any replacements.

Oh dear - that’s not sounding too good Dan.
Hopefully a satisfactory resolution can be reached.


Thank you for the detailed costing, there is absolutely no way it will be getting a service at those prices! That is surely as close to daylight robbery as possible without arrest!
I have 20+ year old devices that the display works perfectly on with melting away so the Uniti screens are not that impressive for a company that is seen as being high end and that is before I think about the discoloured fascia.
Maybe as they sell for around a grand, it is time to move it on when the screen is replaced and in the meantime look at quality alternatives.

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